Huh, I gave it some more thought - of course, the reason why memoize won't 
help us here is that there is no synchronization between simultaneous 
invocations with the same set of arguments. This is typically not a problem 
if the underlying function is fast, but in our case it would be neat with 
an alternative. I got the idea of writing a channel-based version of 
memoize, which will ensure that invoking the memoized function 
simultaneously with the same arguments will only call the underlying 
function once. Below is a quick implementation with one obvious drawback 
(and probably tons of bugs and points of improvement!), namely that if the 
underlying function is costly, and we invoke the memoized function with a 
bunch of different non-cached set of arguments, then calculating the values 
will be done one-by-one. This could be fixed for example by having 
handle-ch delegate to another channel, where we have one channel per set of 
arguments - I'll leave that for someone else, or for when I've had some 
sleep and realized what a bad idea it was...  :) Note that I haven't worked 
much with core.async, and that there is probably a much more 
straightforward solution (for example the one given by Thomas Heller), so 
please let me know of any issues with this:

(defn synced-memoize [f]
  (let [mem (atom {})
        handle-ch (chan)]
    (go-loop []
      (let [[args ret-ch] (<! handle-ch)]
        (>! ret-ch (if-let [e (find @mem args)]
                     (val e)
                     (let [ret (apply f args)]
                       (swap! mem assoc args ret)
    (fn [& args]
      (if-let [e (find @mem args)]
        (val e)
        (let [ret (chan)]
          (>!! handle-ch [args ret])
          (<!! ret))))))

(def lookup
  (let [calc-value* (synced-memoize calc-value)]
    (fn [cache key]
      (if (contains? @cache key)
        (@cache key)
        (swap! cache assoc key (calc-value* key))))))

Den måndagen den 1:e september 2014 kl. 22:35:56 UTC+2 skrev Marcus 
> I reckon if that worked, there would be no need for memoize anyway, but I 
> don't think swap! will allow for it. I'm far from an expert on swap! or 
> atoms, but several swap!s may be run simultaneously on a single atom (and 
> swap! may re-run the swapping function if the atom has been changed since 
> the swapping function was invoked). In other words, if two swap!s are 
> invoked at about the same time for the same key (which is not currently in 
> the cache), both invocations may be given the same value of the cache at 
> that moment, which will lead to the value being re-calculated in both 
> invocations - and even if calc-value is memoized, the same thing may occur 
> in the memoized function.
> As I said, I'm far from an expert, so I wrote a small test that shows that 
> calc-value may indeed be called more than once (core.async here is simply 
> to ensure that each invocation of calc-value is printed on its own line):
> (def out-ch (chan 100))
> (go-loop []
>   (println (<! out-ch))
>   (recur))
> (defn calc-value [x]
>   (put! out-ch x)
>   (* x x))
> (def cache (atom {}))
> (def lookup
>   (let [calc-value* (memoize calc-value)]
>     (fn [cache key]
>       ((swap! cache (fn [cache']
>                       (if (contains? cache' key)
>                         cache'
>                         (assoc cache' key (calc-value* key)))))
>         key))))
> => (dotimes [_ 1000]
>      (future (lookup cache (rand-int 20))))
> 11
> 12
> 16
> 1
> nil
> 6
> 15
> 17
> 18
> 14
> 2
> 5
> 19
> 10
> 0
> 7
> *9*
> *4*
> *4*
> *13*
> *9*
> *13*
> Den måndagen den 1:e september 2014 kl. 21:32:01 UTC+2 skrev Alex 
> Baranosky:
>> I believe you can replace:
>> (when-not (contains? @cache k)
>>   (swap! cache assoc k (calc-value* k))))
>> with:
>> (swap! cache (fn [cache']
>>                (if (contains? cache' k)
>>                  cache'
>>                  (assoc cache' k (calc-value* k)))))
>> Note: I haven't run this code
>> On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 2:20 AM, Colin Fleming <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Thomas,
>>> Normally I'd agree with you, but in my case it actually works quite well 
>>> since I don't need to expire or worry about sizing. This is for caching 
>>> objects on IntelliJ parse tree elements, and the element with its cached 
>>> values is thrown away every time the document is parsed, so these are 
>>> pretty transient caches. In this particular case the calculation isn't too 
>>> heavyweight either so recalculating it in the unlikely event of contention 
>>> isn't a big deal. In fact, this discussion and the related thinking has 
>>> made me realise that my original solution was actually sufficient for my 
>>> somewhat strange use case, which is nice :-). For more typical server side 
>>> caching, I agree that Guava would be a great solution.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Colin
>>> On 1 September 2014 20:54, Thomas Heller <> wrote:
>>>> As much as I like Clojure and atoms, I do not think they are a good fit 
>>>> for caching. Not only is it impossible to address the concurrency issues 
>>>> related to multiple threads loading the same object, but you also have to 
>>>> do expiration and size management yourself. Immutability doesn't help much 
>>>> for caching either. There is core.cache that does some bits but I probably 
>>>> would recommend using something like CacheBuilder from the guava libs:
>>>> See
>>>> Its Java but the Clojure<->Java interop is so good that it doesn't 
>>>> matter much.
>>>> On Saturday, August 30, 2014 7:27:05 AM UTC+2, Colin Fleming wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I want to use a map to cache values based on a key. I'm planning to 
>>>>> use an atom for this. My basic operation is "give me the value for this 
>>>>> key" - if the value exists in the map then that value should be returned, 
>>>>> otherwise a new value should be calculated, inserted in the map and then 
>>>>> returned. My plan is to implement something like the following:
>>>>> (defn ensure [cache key]  (if (contains? cache key)    cache    (assoc 
>>>>> cache key (calc-value key))))(let [value (get (swap! cache ensure key) 
>>>>> key)]  ... do my thing with value ...)
>>>>> So 'ensure' ensures that the cache contains the value for key, the 
>>>>> swap! operation returns the cache with the value and then I get it out. 
>>>>> This works but feels a little clumsy, is there a better way to do this?
>>>>> Also, looking at the Atom source code, I see that this will cause a 
>>>>> CAS operation even if the value returned from swap! is identical to the 
>>>>> original value. It seems like a reasonable optimisation would be to check 
>>>>> if the values are identical and not update if so - is there a reason this 
>>>>> might not be a good idea?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Colin
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