I am competing in an online competition and the scenario is like this :
I coded with my basic knowledge of clojure and got 11 out of 20 testcases 
and others being timed out and one being runtime error..

I started optimizing my code and read 
and other google articles for performance.. but after that i just managed 
to solve only one more problem and i am stuck at 12 solved.. ( the time for 
each case is 8 seconds max)
The last 12th was completed in 7.05 secs :) .. just on the border huh... :)

The problem is about that of Solving calculataor expressions like 
"2+3/2/2/(2+8)" mod 10^8+7  gives answer 10^8+3..
Nevertheless it is the concern but optimizing code is :)

This is current condition of my code :

(ns fpcontest.expression)

(def Term)
(def Factor)

(def ToMod (int (+ 1000000000 7)))

;; (int ToMod)

(def toPrint false)

(defn myprintln [& args]
  ;; (if toPrint
  ;;   (apply println args))

(defn EulerDivNonMemo [^long x ^long p]
  (let [ToMod (+ p 2)]
    (loop [num (long 1) toPow p numDouble x]
      (if (= 0 toPow) 
        ;;(do (myprintln " EulerDiv : " num " for " x p)) 
        (let [numDouble2 (rem (* numDouble numDouble) ToMod)
              halfToPow (bit-shift-right toPow 1)]
          (if (odd? toPow)
            (recur (rem (* num numDouble) ToMod)
            (recur num halfToPow numDouble2))

(def EulerDiv (memoize EulerDivNonMemo)

;; (EulerDiv 2 2)
;; (defn TestEulerDiv []
;;   (and
;;    (= 2 (mod (* 4 (EulerDiv 2 (- 3 2))) 3))
;;    (= 1 (mod (* 2 (EulerDiv 2 (- 3 2))) 3))
;;    (= 1 (int (mod (* 2 (EulerDiv 2 (- ToMod 2))) ToMod))))
;;   )

;; (= true (TestEulerDiv))

(defn Expression [lst]
  (let [term (Term lst)
        ;; p (myprintln term " term for exp " lst)
        sizeTerm (count term)
        (fn [opr lst]
          (let [expr (Expression (drop 2 lst))
                ;; p (myprintln expr " expr for Expr " lst " and " opr)
                intLst (first lst)]
            (cons (rem (opr intLst
                            (first expr)) 
                       ToMod) (drop 1 expr))))]
    (if (> sizeTerm 2)
      (if (= (second term) "+")
        (evaluateExpr + term)
        (if (= (second term) "-")
          (evaluateExpr - term)
      ;; first of term is the answer

(defn Term [lst]
  (let [factor (Factor lst)
        ;; p (myprintln factor " factor for term " lst)
        sizeFactor (count factor)
        (fn [opr lst]
          (let [expr (Term (drop 2 lst))
                ;;p (myprintln expr " term for expr " 
lst                             " and " opr)
                intLst (first lst)]
            (cons (rem (opr intLst
                            (first expr)) 
                       ToMod) (drop 1 expr) )))]
    (if (> sizeFactor 2)
      (if (= (second factor) "*")
        (evaluateExpr * factor)
        (if (= (second factor) "/")
          (let [expr (Term (drop 2 factor))
                fExpr (first expr)] 
            (cons (rem (* (first factor) (EulerDiv fExpr (- ToMod 2)))
                       ToMod) (drop 1 expr))
          ;;(evaluateExpr / factor)

(defn Factor [lst]
  (let [fFactor (first lst)
        ;;p (myprintln " Factor has : " lst)
    (if (= fFactor "+")
      (cons (int (Integer. (second lst))) (rest lst))
      (if (= fFactor "-")
        (cons (- (int (Integer. (second lst)))) (rest (rest lst)))
        (if (= fFactor "(")
          ;; remove the '(' and ')'
          (let [expr (Expression (rest lst))]
            (cons (first expr) (drop 2 expr))
          ;; (if (= (count lst) 1))
          (cons  (int (Integer. (first lst))) (rest lst))
          ;;(myprintln "I do not know where i am... " lst)

(defn split-with-delim [d s]
   s (re-pattern (str "(?=" d 
                    ")|(?<=" d

(defn make-calulator-list [s]
  (->> s
       (split-with-delim #"[\/\+\-\*\(\) ]")
       (filter #(not (or (= "" %) (= " " %))))

(defn StartRun [FuncToCall inputParse outputParse]
  (let [lines (line-seq (java.io.BufferedReader. *in*))]
    (outputParse (FuncToCall (inputParse (first lines)))))

and this is how i am testing my code ................................ 
****************** Test ********************************

(defn RunTests []
   (= 1717 (int (first (Expression (make-calulator-list " 22 * 79 - 21")))))
   (= 12 (int (first (Expression (make-calulator-list " 4/2/2 + 8")))))
   (= 4  (int (first (Expression (make-calulator-list "4/-2/2 + 8")))))

   (= 999998605 (int (mod  (first (Expression (make-calulator-list 
"55+3-45*33-25"))) ToMod)))

   (= 999999987 (int (mod  (first (Expression (make-calulator-list 
"4/-2/(2+8)"))) ToMod)))
   (= 22 (int (first (Expression (make-calulator-list "(22)*+1/-1+(1)")))))
   (= 22 (int (first (Expression (make-calulator-list "11*(2/2)*2")))))

   (= 11 (int (first (Expression (make-calulator-list "22*2/2*2")))))

   (= '("4" "/" "-" "2" "/" "2" "+" "8") 
      (make-calulator-list "4/-2/2 + 8"))
   (= '("4" "/" "-" "2" "/" "(" "2" "+" "8" ")")
      (make-calulator-list  " 4/-2/(2 + 8)"))


(Expression '("3" "+" "2"))

(conj '("3") 1)
(cons 2333 '(2 3 4))
(cons 2 (drop 1 '()))
(drop 1 '())

(str (int 1.0))
(cons "1" '(1 "3"))
(cons "1" nil)
(int (Integer. "1"))

(int (mod (first (Expression (make-calulator-list "4/-2/(2+8)"))) ToMod))

(mod (first (Expression (make-calulator-list "4/2"))) ToMod)

(defn diffTime [func & args]
  (let [start (.getTime (java.util.Date.)) 
        res (apply func args)
        end (.getTime (java.util.Date.))]
    (- end start)))

(defn somuchtime= [times]
  (let [start (java.util.Date.)
    (loop [iTime 0]
      (if (= iTime times)
        (recur (inc iTime))))))

(defn GenerateCalculatorTests [nums]
  (loop [num 0 sb (StringBuilder.)]
    (if (= num nums)
      (str "1" (.toString sb))
      (->> sb
           ((fn [sb]
              (let [r (rand-int 500)]
                (do (if (< r 100)
                      (.append sb "+")
                      (if (< r 200)
                        (.append sb "-")
                        (if (< r 300)
                          (.append sb "*")
                          (if (< r 497)
                            (.append sb "/")
                            (.append sb (str 
                                         (GenerateCalculatorTests 4)
                    (.append sb (rand-int 1000000000))
           (recur (inc num))

(GenerateCalculatorTests 50)

(defn Execute [num]
  (let [str (GenerateCalculatorTests num)]
    (do (println str " = " ) (Expression (make-calulator-list 
(GenerateCalculatorTests num))))))

(diffTime Execute 2074)

I find that the last problem which is giving runtime error is may be 
StackOverflow as i get it in with 
(diffTime Execute 3000) ;; where 3000 tries to get a calculator expression 
of 3000 or more ints.. see GenerateCalculatorTests..

with diffTime i also found that using rem is faster than using mod.. 

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