If I come up with anything that might usefully tie Clojure data structures 
to JavaFX UI elements in a clean way, I may release it on github.  For now 
it's just one or two .clj files with all my random monkey-coding, using 
lots of half-examples from various sources, which is pretty much how I 
learn.  I played around with Seesaw (Swing-based) for a little bit, but it 
started to get a little too abstract for me, and anyway, as a friend of 
mine recently said, Swing looks like ass, even if you set it to look like 
the native platform, and I need my app to be "rich", etc.  There's also a 
certain part of me that feels that "all these" asynchronous libraries out 
there (react? core.async?  I really don't know what I'm talking about [I'm 
a hardware engineer]), add a lot of overhead with threads, etc., and I may 
be wrong, but it feels like there would need to be fewer layers between 
clicking the mouse and having something show up.  I believe any 
cad/drawing/design tool needs to be as reactive and real-time as any game, 
so max 16ms latency.  I'm not saying I have any evidence these libraries 
are slow... I'm just saying it feels like overkill when I'm not writing a 
big web server or anything.  I'm probably wrong.

On Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 8:05:40 AM UTC-8, tbc++ wrote:
> I've long thought that the Clojure world needs a JavaFX/React hybrid. 
> JavaFX2's API is extremely consistent, making it quite easy to program 
> against, but yes it still requires bindings and in-place mutation. 
> However a React-like diff-ing engine on it would be quite impressive. But 
> now you're into the fun land of writing a library in order to write your 
> app. 
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 8:15 AM, Colin Yates <colin...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Wow, there is a lot to deal with :), so let me throw out some ideas:
>>  - have you considered building a web-app instead of a desktop app? If 
>> so, have a look at one of the react based languages (om or reagent would be 
>> my choice). Alternatively take a look at other 
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_reactive_programming libraries. 
>> It is a different way of working, but its programming model restricts you 
>> in a way that removes many problems (if you see what I mean).
>> Also, I would be reaching for an in-memory database (assuming a server 
>> isn't involved) about now, datatomic would be the obvious choice.
>> I don't think what you are trying to do is stupid, I do think you might 
>> want to do some thought experiments about different architectures and 
>> paradigms (specifically FRP related paradigms).
>> Oh, and have a quick scan through http://swannodette.github.io/, there 
>> are a few "mind-changing" posts.
>> On Monday, 12 January 2015 18:53:07 UTC, MS wrote:
>>> (Cross-posted on StackOverflow)
>>> I'm trying to design a desktop UI for schematics, layout, drawing 
>>> stuff.  Just looking for high level advice from actual software designers.
>>> Assuming an in-memory "database", (clojure map of arbitrary depth for 
>>> all user data, and possibly another one for application preferences, etc.), 
>>> I'm examining how to do the model-view-controller thing on these, where the 
>>> data may be rendered *and modified by* any one or more of:
>>>  1. A standalone text field that shows a single parameter, such as box 
>>> width.
>>>  2. An "inspector" type of view that shows multiple parameters of a 
>>> selected object, such as box width, height, color, checkboxes, etc.
>>>  3. A table/spreadsheet type of view that shows multiple parameters of 
>>> multiple objects, potentially the whole database
>>>  4. A graphical rendering of the whole thing, such as both schematic and 
>>> layout view.
>>> Modifying any one of these should show up immediately in every other 
>>> active view, both text and graphical, not after clicking "ok"... so no 
>>> modal boxes allowed.  If for some reason the table view, an inspector view, 
>>> and a graphical rendering are all in view, dragging the corner of the box 
>>> graphically should immediately show up in the text, etc.
>>> The platform in question is JavaFX, but I'd like a clean separation 
>>> between UI and everything else, so I want to avoid `bind`ing in the JFX 
>>> sense, as that ties my design data very tightly to JFX Properties, 
>>> increases the graininess of the model, and forces me to work outside the 
>>> standard clojure functions for dealing with data, and/or deal heavily with 
>>> the whole `getValue`/`setValue` world.
>>> I'm still assuming at least *some* statefulness/mutability, and the use 
>>> of built-in Clojure functionality such as the ability to `add-watch` on an 
>>> atom/var/ref and let the runtime signal dependent functions.
>>> Platform-specific interaction will rest tightly with the actual UI, such 
>>> as reifying `ActionListener`s, and dealing with `ObservableValue`s etc., 
>>> and will attempt to minimize the reliance on things like JavaFX `Property` 
>>> for actual application data.  I'm not entertaining FRP for this.  
>>> I don't mind too much extending JFX interfaces or making up my own 
>>> protocols to use application-specific `defrecord`s, but I'd prefer for the 
>>> application data to remain as straight Clojure data, unsullied by the 
>>> platform.
>>> The question is how to set this all up, with closest adherence to the 
>>> immutable model and minimal (or well-bounded) dependence on JFX.  I see a 
>>> few options:
>>>  1. Fine-grain: Each parameter value/primitive (ie Long, Double, 
>>> Boolean, or String) is an atom, and each view which can modify the value 
>>> "reaches in" as far as it needs to in the database to change the value.  
>>> This could suck as there could potentially be thousands of individual 
>>> values (for example points on a hand-drawn curve), and will require lots of 
>>> `(deref...)` junk.  I believe this is how JFX would want to do this, with 
>>> giant arrays of Properties at the leaf nodes, etc., which feels bloated.  
>>> With this approach it doesn't seem much better than just coding it up in 
>>> Java/C++.
>>>  2. Medium-grain: Each object/record in the database is an atom of a 
>>> Clojure map.  The entire map is replaced when any one of its values 
>>> changes.  Fewer total atoms to deal with, and allows for example long 
>>> arrays of straight-up numbers for various things.  But this gets 
>>> complicated when some objects in the database require more nesting than 
>>> others.
>>>  3. Coarse-grain: There is just one atom: the database.  Any time 
>>> anything changes, the entire database is replaced, and every view needs to 
>>> re-render its particular portion.  This feels a bit like using a hammer to 
>>> swat a fly, and a naive implementation would require everything to 
>>> re-render all the time.  But I still think this is the best trade off, as 
>>> any primitive has a clear access path from the root node, whether it is 
>>> accessed on a per-primitive level or per-record level.
>>> I also need the ability for one data template to be instantiated many 
>>> times.  So for example if the user changes a symbol or shape which is used 
>>> in multiple places, a single edit will apply everywhere.  I believe this 
>>> also requires some type of "pointer"-like behavior.  I think I can store a 
>>> atom to the model, then instantiate as needed, and it can work in any of 
>>> the above grain models.
>>> Any other approaches?  Is trying to do a GUI editor-like tool in a 
>>> functional language just stupid?
>>> Thanks
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