I want to flatten a map of nested maps/vecs

Currently I'm using the fn's:

(defn- flatten-keys* [a ks m]


   (map? m) (reduce into

                    (map (fn [[k v]]

                           (flatten-keys* a (if-not (empty? ks)

                                              (str ks "." (name k))

                                              (str "$." (name k))) v)) (seq m)))

   (and (sequential? m)

        (not (instance? clojure.lang.MapEntry m))) (reduce into

                                                           (map-indexed (fn 
[idx itm]

(flatten-keys* a

         (str ks "[" idx "]")



   :else (assoc a ks m)))

(defn flatten-keys [m] (flatten-keys* {} "" m))

(flatten-keys {:name {:first "Rich" :last "Hickey"} :number [1 415 123 4567]})

;; => {"$.number[0]" 1, "$.number[1]" 415, "$.number[2]" 123, "$.number[3]" 
4567, "$.name.first" "Rich", "$.name.last" "Hickey"}

However, I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on a more performant fn?

I have a white-list of possible flattened keys. But, the list is big 
(~1200), and with with most (~95%) of the keys having corresponding vals = 
nil it was much less performant using get-in on every possible key.

Thanks for the help!

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