On Monday, April 13, 2015 at 4:48:28 PM UTC+3, Alex Miller wrote:
> I think what you're seeing here makes sense.
> On Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 3:39:15 PM UTC-5, whodidthis wrote:
>> Are there any thoughts on code like this:
>> #_
> This says to ignore the next read form....
>> #?(:cljs (def unrelated-1 nil))
> This evaluates to *nothing*, ie nothing is read, so it is not ignored by 
> the #_.
>> #?(:cljs (def unrelated-2 nil))
>> #?(:cljs (def unrelated-3 nil))
> These also read as *nothing*.
>> #?(:clj (def n 10))
> This *is* read, but ignored per the prior #_ 
> #?(:clj (defn num [] n))
>> ; compile on clj =>RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: n
> And then this makes sense.
>> I guess it's fine if it continues to work that way but I can imagine it 
>> being a little surprising from time to time heh
> Conditional reading is definitely something to be careful about - I think 
> in this case you are combining two types of conditional reading so be 
> doubly careful. :) 
> To get the effect you want in this, using #_ *inside* the reader 
> conditional would work:
> #?(:cljs #_(def unrelated-1 nil))

Sorry, back to this stuff again. I tried using discard inside but 

#?(:clj #_'whatever)

just throws

CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: read-cond starting on line 32 
requires an even number of forms"

when compiling on clojure.

Would be nice to have a way to ignore reader conditional forms or the 
thingie things inside but there does not seem to be an easy way.

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