I don't know if this is an issue with the compiler in general, with 
Leiningen more specifically, or something I am doing wrong in trying to use 
them, but I have wasted many hours over the last couple weeks while working 
on afterglow-max <https://github.com/brunchboy/afterglow-max#afterglow-max> due 
to the fact that when I am compiling a Clojure source file which extends a 
Java class, any little mistake I make while coding gives me the following 
opaque output when I try to compile, rather than the helpful message 
telling me where the problem occurred that I am used to:

lein -U uberjar

Compiling afterglow.max.core

Compiling afterglow.max.Cue

Compiling afterglow.max.Eval

Compiling afterglow.max.init

Compiling afterglow.max.Metro

Exception: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError thrown from the 
UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread "main"

Compilation failed: Subprocess failed

Uberjar aborting because jar failed: Compilation failed: Subprocess failed

Error encountered performing task 'uberjar' with profile(s): 

Uberjar aborting because jar failed: Compilation failed: Subprocess failed

Trying to just do a lein compile seems to silently do nothing at all when 
it is in this state. In this case it was because I had called a function 
which was not defined until later in the file. Normally super easy to 
figure out from the compiler error messages, of course!

So I end up having to tediously try commenting out sections of my code 
until I can get it compiling again and then narrow down the problem. I had 
developed a style of making a tiny addition then rebuilding the uberjar to 
avoid this problem (and this is made worse by the fact that the compilation 
process creates futures at some point, due to one of the libraries 
involved, so compilation delays for an extra sixty seconds each time, 
waiting for Clojure's agent thread pool to shut itself down! I can't 
believe that *still* does not use daemon threads)... But this time I was 
writing the final object, which was very similar to others I had already 
written, and forged through until the end until trying to compile, then had 
to spend hours figuring out my simple stupid error.

Has anyone else seen a problem like this? Don't get me wrong, I still think 
Clojure is the best thing going, but it could be better without this 
problem. Is there anything I can do to avoid it, beyond what I already was?

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