The backtick namespace-qualifies symbols automatically:

(macroexpand-1 '(switch-foo-library! x))
 ((clojure.core/resolve (clojure.core/symbol (clojure.core/str x "/foo")))

The error is about the "user/foo" name of the defn.

You can fix this by quoting the symbol then immediately unquoting it:

(defmacro switch-foo-library! [x]
  `(defn ~'foo [y#] ((resolve (symbol (str ~x "/foo"))) y#)))
;=> #'user/switch-foo-library!
(macroexpand-1 '(switch-foo-library! x))

 ((clojure.core/resolve (clojure.core/symbol (clojure.core/str x "/foo")))

However what you really want probably something with with-redefs 

(defmacro with-ns [ns vars & body]
  {:pre [(symbol? ns) (nil? (namespace ns))
         (every? #(and (symbol? %) (nil? (namespace %))) vars)]}
  (let [bindings (vec (mapcat #(do [% (symbol (str ns) (str %))]) vars))]
    `(with-redefs ~bindings ~@body)))
;=> #'user/with-ns
(ns alt)
;=> nil
(def juxt (constantly (constantly "NEW JUXT")))
;WARNING: juxt already refers to: #'clojure.core/juxt in namespace: alt, 
being replaced by: #'alt/juxt
;=> #'alt/juxt
(in-ns 'user)
;=> #object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x77b2abef "user"]
(with-ns alt [juxt] (map (juxt :a :b) (repeat 4 {:a 1 :b 2})))
((juxt :a) {:a 1})
;=> [1]

If you want to make the var change permanent (i.e. not requiring your body 
be inside with-redefs), you can use alter-var-root 
<>, but you have to take 
care to allow the vars to be restored somehow, e.g. by storing the old 
mappings somewhere and providing a macro to save and restore them.

It's possible someone has scratched this itch before, too: there might be a 
utility library out there somewhere that does something like this.

On Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 9:10:15 PM UTC-5, Will Bridewell wrote:
> I'm working on some code where I want to evaluate different 
> implementations of the same functionality. Each implementation of a 
> function lives in its own namespace. For example, suppose that I have the 
> following simplified code.
> (ns tst1)
> (defn foo [x] (+ x 1))
> (ns tst2)
> (defn foo [x] (+ x 2))
> (ns tst3)
> (defn foo [x] (+ x 3))
> (in-ns 'user)
> What I'd like to do is call a macro that binds the function name in user 
> to the function in one of the libraries. The call would look like one of 
> these. 
> (switch-library! 'tst1 'foo)
> (switch-foo-library! 'tst1)
> The closest that I got was to do 
> (defmacro switch-foo-library! [x]
>   `(defn foo [y#] ((resolve (symbol (str ~x "/foo"))) y#)))
> That's kind of embarrassing, but I think it does what I want. However, 
> suppose I do
> (ns-unmap 'user 'juxt)
> (defmacro switch-juxt-library! [x]
>   `(defn juxt [y#] ((resolve (symbol (str ~x "/juxt"))) y#)))
> Now I get 
> CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create defs outside 
> of current ns, compiling:
> Well, gosh. I can't play around with symbols in clojure.core? What's 
> happening here?

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