What Clojure version are you using?

On Tuesday, August 9, 2016 at 5:01:21 PM UTC-5, Fluid Dynamics wrote:
> => (defn foo [x] (doto (double-array 1) (aset 0 x)))
> => [(foo 3.0) (type (foo 3.0))]
> [[3.0] [D] ; As expected, a double array with the value passed in.
> ; Maybe a good idea to hint this function as always returning a double 
> array.
> => (defn foo ^doubles [x] (doto (double-array 1) (aset 0 x)))
> Reflection warning, NO_SOURCE_PATH:1:24 - call to aset can't be resolved.

I don't see that. I'm guessing you did (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) 
prior to the start of this? With reflection warnings on, I see:

Reflection warning, NO_SOURCE_PATH:5:24 - call to static method aset on 
clojure.lang.RT can't be resolved (argument types: [D, int, unknown).

(Note that this message has improved so I am guessing you're using an older 
version). The reflection part here is the "unknown" bit - basically the 
type of x.

> => [(foo 3.0) (type (foo 3.0))]
> [[3.0] [D]
> ; Hmm, that reflection is not going to help performance any. (Why wasn't 
> it occurring before?) Maybe hint x as well?
> => (defn foo ^doubles [^double x] (doto (double-array 1) (aset 0 x)))
> => [(foo 3.0) (type (foo 3.0))]
> AbstractMethodError Method user$foo.invokePrim(D)Ljava/lang/Object; is 
> abstract
> ; What the f---?!

I don't see this on Clojure 1.8.

> => (defn foo [^double x] (doto (double-array 1) (aset 0 x)))
> => [(foo 3.0) (type (foo 3.0))]
> [[3.0] [D]
> ; OK, now at least we have a primitive function taking a double, and not 
> generating a reflection warning, though it's expected to return generic 
> objects. Why don't we wrap it with a *second* function that knows it's 
> really returning a double array, and hope the JIT inlines it so we won't 
> get doubled function call overhead?
> => (defn bar [^double x] (foo x))
> => (bar 3.0)
> [3.0]

I see the return of a double array here (prob changes in printing since 
whatever version you're on):

#object["[D" 0x49c2faae "[D@49c2faae"]

> ; So far, so good. Now add the return type hint to bar:
> => (defn bar ^doubles [^double x] (foo x))
> => (bar 3.0)
> AbstractMethodError Method user$bar.invokePrim(D)Ljava/lang/Object; is 
> abstract

I don't see this in current Clojure. I just see the returned double array 
as before.

> ; WHAT?!?!?!?!?!
> ; How can changing bar's return type hint introduce the bug back into foo 
> when foo was working earlier and we didn't recompile foo?!?!?!?!?!
> ; WTF WTF WTF!!!
> ;
> ; OK so what if we hint foo as a primitive function that takes a double 
> and returns an object?
> => (defn bar ^doubles [^clojure.lang.IFn$DO f ^double x] (f x))
> => (bar foo 3.0)
> AbstractMethodError Method 
> user$bar.invokePrim(Ljava/lang/Object;D)Ljava/lang/Object; is abstract

You shouldn't do this, but it also does not fail for me on 1.8.

> ; Even more impossible! (foo 3.0) continues to work, so the function is 
> intact in memory, but passing it to bar magically breaks it?!
> ; OK, what if we explicitly invoke foo's correct method, which takes a 
> double and returns an object?
> => (defn bar ^doubles [^clojure.lang.IFn$DO f ^double x] (.invokePrim f x))
> => (bar foo 3.0)
> AbstractMethodError Method 
> user$bar.invokePrim(Ljava/lang/Object;D)Ljava/lang/Object; is abstract

Still works on 1.8.

> ; Still not working!
> ; OK, let's hide it *another level deep*
> => (defn bar [^clojure.lang.IFn$DO f]
> =>   (fn ^doubles [^double x]
> =>     (f x)))
> => ((bar foo) 3.0)
> NoSuchMethodError clojure.lang.IFn$DO.invokePrim(D)[D 
> user$bar$fn__9962.invoke (NO_SOURCE_PATH:-1)

Still doesn't fail.

> ; ?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!
> ; Time to give up and file a bug report.

Please try Clojure 1.8. 

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