On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 02:29 <clojure@googlegroups.com> wrote:

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>    - Using a function to def other functions?
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>    - How to do functional programming
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>    - [JOB] Software Engineer at Xledger in Colorado Springs, CO
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>    - Keep application running when main thread only starts go blocks
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> Using a function to def other functions?
> <http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/t/34ca35c319f1efb6?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> fah...@gmail.com: Aug 08 11:52AM -0700
> user> (macroexpand-1 '(defn foo [x] (inc x)))
> (def foo (clojure.core/fn ([x] (inc x))))
> If defn is just a macro, then it seems I can do this:
> user> (defn bar [] (fn ([x] (inc x))))
> #'user/bar
> user> (def foo (bar))
> #'user/foo
> user> foo
> #function[user/bar/fn--10778]
> But the result is a little different than doing it directly with defn:
> user> (defn foo [x] (inc x))
> #'user/foo
> We had #'user/*bar/fn--10778* vs #'user/foo. But either way, foo is bound
> to something.
> Is the difference significant? It seems like it is because I tried
> something similar in my project and got the following:
> IllegalStateException Attempting to call unbound fn: #'p.core/default-step
> clojure.lang.Var$Unbound.throwArity (Var.java:43)
> p.core> default-step
> #function[p.core/make-step/fn--10747]
> Function default-step was def'd using make-step which returned a function
> and default-step is bound, so why does the repl say it is not?
> (defn make-step [some-args]
> (fn ([other-args]
> (some-body using-both-args))))
> Basically I need to define a bunch of similar functions and am trying to
> use another function to help define them (instead of using a macro). But
> it
> seems I'm doing something wrong...
> adrian.med...@mail.yu.edu: Aug 08 01:14PM -0700
> Using defining macros as non top-level forms may not be forbidden by the
> language but its use is generally discouraged.
> See http://clhs.lisp.se/Issues/iss104_w.htm for a discussion about this
> issue in Common Lisp for some background context. In short, compile time
> effects may not be captured whenever you use defining macros as non
> top-level forms. I think you're seeing something like this manifest here.
> In this case, since you referenced a var which was not installed when the
> compiler reaches the calling code, the compiler will throw this error
> message. I would suggest rethinking this because the solution is ugly, but
> you should use something like clojure.core/resolve or
> clojure.core/ns-resolve to resolve the var dynamically and then funcall
> it.
> fah...@gmail.com: Aug 08 02:19PM -0700
> Oh... 'bar' and 'make-step' count as macros? My intent was that they're
> ordinary functions that return functions. Am I mistaken? Or does the issue
> you referred to apply to using defining *functions and macros *as
> non-top-level forms?
> (defn bar [] (fn ([x] (inc x))))
> (defn make-step [some-args]
> (fn ([other-args]
> (some-body using-both-args))))
> adrian.med...@mail.yu.edu: Aug 08 02:30PM -0700
> defn, def, etc are what I mean by "defining macros".
> adrian.med...@mail.yu.edu: Aug 08 02:31PM -0700
> def isn't a good example actually because it's a special form. But the
> same
> principle applies when using it as a non-top level form.
> Gregg Reynolds <d...@mobileink.com>: Aug 08 04:32PM -0500
> > user> (defn foo [x] (inc x))
> > #'user/foo
> > We had #'user/bar/fn--10778 vs #'user/foo. But either way, foo is bound
> to something.
> > Is the difference significant? It seems like it is because I tried
> something similar in my project and got the following:
> > IllegalStateException Attempting to call unbound fn:
> #'p.core/default-step clojure.lang.Var$Unbound.throwArity (Var.java:43)
> > p.core> default-step
> > #function[p.core/make-step/fn--10747]
> > Function default-step was def'd using make-step which returned a function
> and default-step is bound, so why does the repl say it is not?
> > (fn ([other-args]
> > (some-body using-both-args))))
> > Basically I need to define a bunch of similar functions and am trying to
> use another function to help define them (instead of using a macro). But it
> seems I'm doing something wrong...
> Use the source, Luke!
> Spend some quality time with the source code of deftype, defrecord, ns,
> etc. and you will not regret it. Monkey with the ns- functions to explore
> namespaces, interning, etc. Make sure you grok the relation between vars
> and values. Once you get the hang of how Clojure does it you'll find it
> easy to roll your own.
> You will almost certainly want to use some macros, but what's wrong with
> that?
> gregg
> Andrew C <ache...@gmail.com>: Aug 08 04:10PM -0700
> I don't understand -- How am I using 'def' in a non-top-level-form?
> I thought I was calling 'bar', getting the result which is a function, and
> binding that function to a name 'foo', where the binding is 'def' at the
> top level. Is that not what I'm doing?
> I'm trying to avoid the use of unnecessary macros. Is this a situation
> that
> requires macros?
> Eventually this might be in ClojureScript which requires macros to be
> handled differently...
> fah...@gmail.com: Aug 08 04:16PM -0700
> Ah, are you saying the binding isn't taking place at the top level because
> I had to call 'bar' to get the right hand side (so to speak) of the
> binding?
> And if 'bar' were a macro instead, then it would be expanded first and
> then
> nothing would have to be evaluated before binding to 'foo', and so it
> would
> be at the top level?
> Back to top <#m_5766536650690988793_digest_top>
> How to do functional programming
> <http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/t/7209e2bfd635eb07?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Gary Johnson <lambdatro...@gmail.com>: Aug 08 08:42AM -0700
> A shell script written in a procedural style (e.g. with Bash or equivalent
> shell language) will frequently start out by declaring some global
> variables, then perform some conditional checks (if then else), throw in a
> few loops (for, while), and ultimately end up with some new values in
> those
> initially declared variables that you use as your program's output. If you
> are feeling particularly intrepid, you might factor out some repetitive
> operations into separate subroutines defined higher up in the file and
> then
> call them as necessary in those aforementioned conditional blocks and
> loops.
> The mental model behind this type of programming is the Universal Turing
> Machine. Your variables are some internal state that the program
> instructions are reading and writing, reading and writing, writing and
> reading until you get to the last instruction that returns some subset of
> the final variable values. The driving principle is that computation is
> accomplished by the free mutation of state.
> A program written in a functional style (e.g. with any Lisp, one of the
> MLs, Haskell, Clean, etc) begins with a chunk of data, which may either be
> hard-coded, input from the outside world, or generated internally with a
> function like "range" or "rand". This piece of data may or may not be
> stored in one or more global variables. However (and this is HUGE
> however),
> these are not generally mutated over the life of the program. That is to
> say, they are constants. More often than not, you won't even store the
> initial data in a global variable but will just feed it into a function
> that processes it and spits out some new data, which is then fed to
> another
> function that performs some other processing operation and again spits out
> some new data. Ultimately, the data that you produce is passed through an
> arbitrarily long pipeline of functions until the final result is produced
> and returned by the program. In practice, these function calls are rarely
> linear and are much more likely to form a branching call tree. But
> ultimately, the relevant branches of this tree will be traversed and
> executed in a depth first manner (unless lazy evaluation inserts its magic
> to reorder some of that computation behind the scenes) and you still get
> to
> a final output returned by the last function fall evaluated.
> The mental model behind this type of programming is Lambda Calculus. There
> is no mutable state anywhere in a pure functional program, and instead the
> intermediate results are passed through the call stack from function to
> function. In practice, because stack sizes are limited, most values passed
> between functions will be boxed references pointing to memory locations on
> the heap. However, as far as the functional programmer is concerned, there
> is no heap and there is no mutable state. Immutable values simply flow
> seamlessly from one function to the next until the program has finished.
> The driving principle is that computation is accomplished by transforming
> data through mapping a set of immutable inputs to an immutable output.
> Think f(x,y) = z.
> In order to accomplish this stateless pipeline of data transformations,
> functions much possess a property called "referential transparency". This
> means that a function must be able to calculate its outputs
> deterministically using only its inputs AND without modifying any of its
> inputs in the process. This property is preserved even when global
> variables are referenced within the body of a function as long as the
> values associated with those global variables are constants throughout the
> lifetime of the program.
> In practice, very few languages (outside of Haskell) actually try to be
> completely pure and allow no mutation of state whatsoever. Clojure opts to
> make all data immutable by default, but provides some special language
> features (refs, atoms, agents, volatiles) that you can use if you really
> do
> want to write an algorithm that involves some mutable state. Unless there
> is a performance bottleneck (as in numerical computing) or no other
> sensible way to model the domain (as in some web applications), making use
> of these features for mutable state is generally frowned upon. When they
> are really necessary and valuable, however, Clojure's language tools for
> accomplishing mutation are wonderful because they carefully protect it
> against concurrency clashes in multi-threated environments.
> To approach writing a functional program, first think about how to model
> the computation as a series of data transformations. Then build your
> program from the bottom up (prototyping and testing it in the REPL) by
> writing small, referentially transparent functions that describe the lower
> level operations that you will need. Then build higher level functions on
> top of those that build up your abstractions in a layer cake style until
> you reach your entry point function that either takes input data from the
> outside world or generates it internally and then starts the execution of
> the function call tree.
> This is, of course, my attempt at summarizing the mindset that I
> frequently
> use when trying to write a new functional program, and I welcome additions
> or corrections from other folks in this thread to further flesh it out.
> Best of luck in your functional programming adventures and with Clojure in
> particular. The FP way of thinking can be a bit tricky to wrap your mind
> around when coming from a traditional OOP background, but once you grok
> it,
> there is a great feeling of freedom and simplicity that emerges from what
> I
> suspect many of my fellow Clojurians would agree is a far more elegant and
> powerful programming paradigm.
> John Newman <john...@gmail.com>: Aug 08 04:53PM
> So I've been hammocking it up recently on this subject. Just to add more
> philosophical perspective - you could look at the universe in two different
> ways: from the _inside_, where a thing subjectively experiences the flow of
> time, as the world mutates around it; and from the _outside_, where
> objectively no time exists, and the history of the universe is a static
> network of immutable states, like a unidirectional graph. Animals
> understand things from the _inside_ perspective, teleologically, where
> things seem dynamic, contextual, and place oriented in time and space.
> Physics and philosophy give us the second, ontological understanding. Some
> might say the inside perspective is more intuitive while the outside
> perspective is more correct or precise.
> FP has an ideally unidirectional flow of causality, whereas OOP has loops,
> where state flows backwards in the causal chain. A class instance is like a
> state machine (to my mind) and that machine moves through time, updating
> it's properties. (Banging on things in place)
> FP allows you to more easily create an objective universe, where you
> control all states from the outside and have absolute control over those
> states. This also, however, requires more explicit definition of what you
> want to occur, because the context of your transformation is not implicit
> in the data itself.
> OOP allows you to more easily forget about the complexities of the global,
> outside context and operate under the illusion that context is built into
> the instance - that the same "thing" is moving across the causal graph,
> through time. Unfortunately, as our programs become more complex this
> illusion breaks down and our efforts to hide the complexities of the
> outside context in looping state machines makes us in fact ignorant of too
> much. No, the class is not a duck. No, the method does not actually quack.
> It's convenient to pretend like it does, in the small, but the inside,
> subjective metaphor becomes a burden in the large.
> So while FP sometimes requires more explicit definition of the desired
> transformations from one state to the next, you'll end up with a lot more
> hair on your head when working with large systems, if Rich and Stu's heads
> are any indication :)
> John
> Back to top <#m_5766536650690988793_digest_top>
> [JOB] Software Engineer at Xledger in Colorado Springs, CO
> <http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/t/3df16d6a64da64bf?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Brave Clojure Jobs <j...@braveclojure.com>: Aug 08 07:42AM -0700
> "Xledger is a finance, project, and business information system that gives
> customers tighter control of their businesses.
> We are expanding our team in Colorado Springs, which focuses on
> Clojurescript (with Om), F#, and SQL Server. We're looking for engineers
> who can make a strong contribution to this stack, helping us create
> best-in-class functionality for our customers."
> More at
> https://jobs.braveclojure.com/jobs/17592186046037/software-engineer-jr-sr-clojurescript-f-xledger
> Back to top <#m_5766536650690988793_digest_top>
> Keep application running when main thread only starts go blocks
> <http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/t/8c0473fe2c06b75d?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> "Richard Möhn" <richard.mo...@posteo.de>: Aug 07 08:40PM -0700
> Am Samstag, 6. August 2016 16:50:35 UTC+9 schrieb Miguel Ping:
> > http://stackoverflow.com/a/18779688/22992
> > And then you can await for its shutdown:
> > http://stackoverflow.com/a/1250655/22992
> Thanks for the answer! It's interesting, but a bit hacky, so I would only
> use it if there's no alternative.
> Richard
> "Richard Möhn" <richard.mo...@posteo.de>: Aug 07 08:48PM -0700
> Am Samstag, 6. August 2016 21:30:53 UTC+9 schrieb Alex Miller:
> > (.countdown signal)
> > You could also use a Lock and Condition (the oo version of wait/notify),
> > or a Semaphore, or a CyclicBarrier.
> Ah, thanks! This might make the intention clearer.
> Aside from that, I was more concerned with the resources allocated to the
> blocked main thread than to the channel. Although I guess a "main thread
> doing nothing for most of the application's lifetime" just sounds wrong,
> but actually doesn't matter.
> Timothy Baldridge <tbaldri...@gmail.com>: Aug 07 10:21PM -0600
> So I'm tempted to ask at this point, what does your program do? If you're
> doing nothing but CPU work, then yeah you may need to do something in the
> main thread. However, all IO work should be done outside of go block. Go
> blocks are limited in the number of concurrent threads that they use, so
> it's possible to deadlock the pool if you do IO inside the code called by a
> go block. So I'd suggest moving what ever IO work you're doing into
> dedicated threads and that might just solve your problem.
> On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 9:48 PM, Richard Möhn <richard.mo...@posteo.de>
> wrote:
> --
> “One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that–lacking
> zero–they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C
> programs.”
> (Robert Firth)
> Back to top <#m_5766536650690988793_digest_top>
> ANN: diehard 0.3.0
> <http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/t/2c732aaefee2c5ab?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Ning Sun <classicn...@gmail.com>: Aug 08 10:36AM +0800
> Diehard 0.3.0 just released! Diehard is a library provides retry and
> circuit breaker for your clojure code. Currently it's based on Failsafe.
> What's new in 0.3.0:
> * Updated to Failsafe 0.9.2
> * New option :jitter-factor and :jitter-ms on retry policy for adding
> randomness to retry delay
> * :fallback value and handler for retry block
> * `defretrypolicy` for defining named policy
> Github: https://github.com/sunng87/diehard
> Docs: https://sunng87.github.io/diehard
> "Richard Möhn" <richard.mo...@posteo.de>: Aug 07 08:37PM -0700
> Great! I was just going go implement a primitive retry myself, when I
> found
> this by chance. Thanks for contributing!
> Back to top <#m_5766536650690988793_digest_top>
> ANN: system 0.3.1
> <http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/t/4dde3e6fc8032f9f?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Daniel Szmulewicz <daniel.szmulew...@gmail.com>: Aug 07 06:43PM -0700
> Hello everybody,
> This is to announce that system <https://github.com/danielsz/system>
> version
> 0.3.1 is out!
> This is a minor update that ships with usability improvements.
> - Boot users will get better error messages when the system task is not
> configured properly.
> - The system task will produce better console output when it restarts
> the system.
> - The system task accepts regexes and paths in the files argument.
> - The system task can operate as a wrapper for tools.namespace.
> The last bullet point means that the system task can now be used even if
> your application doesn’t use Component.
> It will then simply track changes in your source code, and reload affected
> namespaces automatically.
> A demo project can be found here <https://github.com/danielsz/no-restarts
> >.
> Also, this version ships with a couple of new readymade components.
> - Carmine/Redis PubSub (pattern channels)
> - hara.io.scheduler
> This release was made possible with the contributions of:
> - Daniel Higginbotham
> - Martin Klepsch
> - Vsevolod Romashov
> - Fabrizio Ferrai
> - Kenneth Ryall
> Thank you so much!
> If you don’t know what system is, here is the elevator pitch.
> System is a repository of components for Stuart Sierra’s Component
> library. It features readymade components for frequently used
> application dependencies like databases, http servers, etc.
> System is also an auto reloading environment compatible with any
> editor/IDE. It tries to ensure that your source code is always in-sync
> with the application under development.
> System achieves this goal by seamlessly wrapping and leveraging three
> fundamental pieces: tools.namespace, Component and Boot.
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