I have a Figwheel project that kept generating files with random names 
ending in -init.clj when "lein figwheel" was run.  The files have code 
related to figwhee-sidecar and starting up the REPL.
i followed some breadcrumbs ( 
https://github.com/emezeske/lein-cljsbuild/issues/394 ) suggesting it's to 
do with Lein and an environment variable.
I've confirmed that the files don't appear in the root of my project when I 
unset the environment variable LEIN_FAST_TRAMPOLINE.
Does anyone have any insight on what's going on with that?

Evidently, something I've installed likes that set (LightTable? Cider? 
Spacemacs?); as it seems to be set on startup.  I'm sure other people have 
similar stuff.  
Might there be anything I can fix in my project itself so it doesn't piddle 
into it's root directory when I share it with someone else?

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