I've thought about React and Om animation a lot and have been meaning to strip 
the animation code out of some of my projects and get it organized. I wrote 
https://github.com/pleasetrythisathome/react.animate for react a little while 
ago, and haven't quite got around to porting all the functionality to cljs. 

Your easing functions are definitely helpful. 

To me it seems like an anti pattern and a generally dangerous thing to do to 
mutate the DOM directly. The whole point of using something like React or Om is 
that the DOM is the result of a pure render function that takes props 
(app-state) and component state as inputs. If you mutate the DOM yourself, this 
is no longer true.

For my uses, I'd greatly prefer a more minimal library that will transition two 
values with an easing function over a set duration. Automatic interpolation of 
standard data types would also be great (like the d3 interpolators I use in 

I'll spend some time tonight and the next few days on getting something going 
and then we can compare notes!

The big question for me has always been how to deal with the add/remove item 
from a list enter/exit animation that Jack is talking about. 

Ideally animation could shouldn't pollute your application, and should be an 
arbitrary addition. 

It's straightforward to init-state at some state (say :width 0) and then start 
a transition to :width 100 in IWillMount, which would happen for any entering 
component. IWillUnmount is called when a component exits, but since the 
component is actually unmounted right after it'd be useful to call a transition 

ReactTransitionGroup http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/animation.html tries 
to solve this by providing methods like componentWillLeave(callback) where you 
are intended to call the callback when you're done with whatever animation to 
actually trigger DOM removal. 

You could definitely do something similar with Om, but I think there are 
probably more elegant ways...I need to spend some time experimenting and see 
what happens...

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