In Om's basic tutorial, there is an example of using multimethod to dispatch 
different components:

------- Begin Code Snippet -------
(defn student-view [student owner]
    (render [_]
      (dom/li nil (display-name student)))))

(defn professor-view [professor owner]
    (render [_]
      (dom/li nil
        (dom/div nil (display-name professor))
        (dom/label nil "Classes")
        (apply dom/ul nil
          (map #(dom/li nil %) (:classes professor)))))))

(defmulti entry-view (fn [person _] (:type person)))

(defmethod entry-view :student
  [person owner] (student-view person owner))

(defmethod entry-view :professor
  [person owner] (professor-view person owner))
------- End -------

The example above is fine, but I find it problematic if I wanted to have local 
state in either student-view or professor-view.

First, local state in student-view is also visible in professor-view since they 
are rendered as the same component: entry-view.

Second, if I wanted to implement om/IInitState, I will have to implement it in 
the component that will be rendered first. For example, if I modified 
student-view to be;

------- Begin Code Snippet-------
(defn student-view [student owner]
    (init-state [this]
      {:student-id 1})
    (render-state [_ state]
      (dom/li nil (:student-id state)))))
------- End -------

And in the UI, if professor-view is dispatched first, (init-state) in 
student-view won't get called. So I'd have to put student-view's initial local 
state in professor-view.

For these reason, I wonder if multimethod should be avoided for components with 
local state, or if there are ways to keep local states independent in 


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