
I'm honestly not quite sure what you are asking but maybe I can shed some light 
on the way the ClojureScript compiler handles Clojure code (ie. macros).

Whenever the cljs.analyzer reads a (ns ...) form and encounters anything that 
mentions a macro, like

(:require-macros [some.ns :refer (my-macro)])
(:require [some.ns :include-macros true])
(:require [some.ns :refer-macros (my-macro)])

It will 'clojure.core/require the corresponding Clojure Namespace ('some.ns in 
my example), normal Clojure loading rules apply so everything is loaded (if 
there is a defmethod it will be eval'd).

Now, my guess is that you want to load a Clojure file without a corresponding 
ClojureScript file? Say, a bunch of (defmethod assert-expr ...)?

Option #1: Create an empty ClojureScript (ns ...) with the same name as the 
Clojure Namespace and (:require [some.ns :include-macros true]).

Option #2: Create an empty ClojureScript (ns ... (:require-macros 
[my.clojure-ns])) and require it as normal in CLJS

Option #3: Just (:require-macros [my.clojure-ns])

Option #4: Could be achieved with shadow-build but I wouldn't recommend it 
since it would only work with YOUR build configuration.

The gist is that ClojureScript must be told to load a Clojure file, it can't 
figure this out by itself.

(ns my-app.my-tests
  (:require-macros [my-app.test-utils])
  (:require [clojurescript.test]))

Note that you don't actually have to define any macros, the 'ns will be 
required nonetheless. Its basically just a way to tell the cljs compiler that 
there is some clojure code we want loaded.


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