What is the gap between clojure.test and cljs.test?

For exmaple: is the `are` macro implemented in cljs.test?

On Wednesday, 17 December 2014 23:54:09 UTC+2, David Nolen  wrote:
> ClojureScript, the Clojure compiler that emits JavaScript source code.
> README and source code: https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript
> New release version: 0.0-2496
> Leiningen dependency information:
>     [org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2496"]
> The big change in this release is a port of the clojure.test namespace
> - cljs.test.
> It is largely compatible with clojure.test and implements enough
> functionality such
> that we could port all of the existing tests to it. It's also featureful 
> enough
> to support a ClojureScript port of test.check that is underway.
> cljs.test is compatible
> with all of the optimization settings provided by the compiler including 
> :none.
> Still cljs.test may not satisfy all the patterns that people have come to 
> expect
> from clojure.test so feedback (and enhancement/fix patches) is very welcome.
> On the way we implemented changes to the compiler in order to make
> custom testing
> frameworks simpler to implement - this includes compiler support for
> :test metadata as well
> as introducing static vars.
> ClojureScript does not have vars, however there are var patterns that
> are largely
> static in nature and useful for metaprogramming and REPL interactions. Towards
> this end we've implemented the `var` special form and introduced very 
> restricted
> functionality - metadata is the primary use case.
> (defn foo [])
> (meta #'foo) ;; will return the expected metadata
> cljs.test is implemented on top of this functionality as well as a new 
> namespace
> cljs.analyzer.api which I think macro writers will find quite useful.
> Also there's a doc macro now in the cljs.repl namespace that works as 
> expected.
> Patches welcome to bring all the useful bits of clojure.repl into cljs.repl.
> ## 0.0-2496
> ### Enhancements
> * cljs.test added, mirrors clojure.test
> * New cljs.analyzer.api namespace for easier access to analysis info from 
> macros
> * New cljs.analyzer.api namespace for easier access to analysis info from 
> macros
> * Support :test metadata on vars
> * Support static vars
> * cljs.source-map for client side source mapping
> * expose ClojureScript :warnings build option
> * CLJS-909: Add stable api for consumers of compiler data.
> ### Changes
> * convert all ClojureScript tests to cljs.test
> * add volatile! from Clojure 1.7
> * stateful transducers use volatile!
> * added `js-debugger` macro, compiles to "debugger;"
> * CLJS-892: Improve performance of compare-symbols/compare-keywords
> * CLJS-696: remove arguments usage from defrecord constructor
> * unroll `partial`, copy & pasted from Clojure core.clj
> * optimize clojure.string/join
> ### Fixes
> * fix `cljs.nodejs/enable-util-print!`, incorrectly monkey patched
> `cjls.core/string-print` instead of setting `cljs.core/*print-fn*`
> * cljs.reader bug, '/ incorrectly read
> * avoid emitting the same goog.require

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