I don't think cursors were really ever recommended that strongly.  It seems
like query solutions like datascript/Relay seem to be the way things are
going.  I think it's the next stop on the declarative decoupling train that
we're all so fond of.  This project and others like it are exciting!

On Thu Feb 26 2015 at 9:05:59 PM Marc Fawzi <marc.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mike,
> Do you want to give a talk about it? ;)
> I'm looking for speakers (local or remote) for our first Reagent meetup in
> SF.
> Back to cursors and enabling re-usable components. I'm not sure how
> isolating control outside of components can lead to re-usable components.
> Can you explain, please?
> I'm now passing finely grained cursors to the factory returned function to
> avoid re-rendering every instance of a reusable input component due to the
> previously coarse cursor we were using. It shifts the overhead to the usage
> context where the user of the component has to split the atom to single-use
> slices and pass the the corresponding instance of the component. Do you
> know what I mean? I can clarify.
> So far the cursor based architecture has not failed me, where my goal is
> to build re-usable Reagent components.
> But you know a lot more than I do about both Clojure and Reagent. So feel
> free to enlighten. In fact, I look forward to your explanation on building
> re-usable components. I'm not sold on any SPA framework where the
> components are hard to re-use.
> Looking forward to more chat!
> Marc
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Mike Thompson <m.l.thompson...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 10:19:05 AM UTC+11, Jane Dampney wrote:
>> > On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 10:52:23 PM UTC+11, Mike Thompson
>> wrote:
>> > > A Reagent Framework For Writing SPAs, in ClojureScript.
>> > >
>> > > README and source code: https://github.com/Day8/re-frame
>> > >
>> > > "Derived data, flowing" in a two-stage, FRP loop.
>> > >
>> > > Absolutely no Cursors!!
>> > >
>> >
>> > Wow!  No Cursors, indeed.
>> >
>> > Really well thought out, and nicely explained.
>> >
>> > Appears similar to https://github.com/evancz/elm-architecture-tutorial
>> > but not the same.  I like the use of middleware and love the
>> possibility of using statecharts.
>> Indeed, Elm was an inspiration.  As was the terrific Hoplon, which
>> doesn't get nearly enough praise.
>> We all know that immutable data let's you manage "time" better, right?
>> We're able to ignore (isolate ourselves from) the effect of time on data.
>> FRP is another dimension in the same process. FRP allows us to model the
>> "flow" of data over "time". It allows us to manage the process of producing
>> "Derived Data" (materialised views) over time.  Again, it is all about
>> doing the "time/data”  thing better.
>> That was a big learning for me (I worry that everyone else already knows
>> this already, and I'm just very late to the party).
>> Perhaps the biggest moment for me was seeing Pete Hunt (Facebook) talking
>> at reactconf. In his talk, he referenced a particular StrangeLoop video,
>> mentioning how it had had a big influence on the way Facebook looked at
>> things these days, and then he talked about how it was all about "Derived
>> Data".
>> When I watched the video, a small nuclear explosion went off in the back
>> of mind. The penny suddenly dropped for me about FRP.
>> At that point, I suddenly understood what I had been trying to achieve
>> with re-frame, and why I found it so pleasing to work with. It all made
>> sense.
>> The key thing for me is:  JUST. DON'T. USE. CURSORS. There I said it.
>> They appear convenient, I know. They are a way of achieving reference
>> transparency, I know.  But I think they are a “local optimum”.  Their use
>> seems to get in the way of a more important data flow paradigm and they
>> seem to encourage "control" into all the wrong places (components). At
>> least that's my experience (I did try to love them, really I did :-)).
>> I know this is a controversial opinion within ClojureScript right now. OM
>> has such an overwhelming mindshare. David is a very compelling and
>> important character.
>> Anyway, I'll finish off the todomvc over the weekend. That will make
>> re-frame a bit more real and easy to Grok.
>> --
>> Mike
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