IMHO that is not something you should handle at compile time. I would suggest 
creating a proper API and a "main" namespace that serves as an entry point to 
your application and configures it before starting.

For example:

(ns my-app.log)

(defprotocol ILog
  (-log [this msg]))

(def logger (atom nil))

(def set-logger! [new-log]
  (reset! logger new-log))

(def log [something]
  ;; call protocol fn
  (-log @logger something))

Note that the protocol might not be needed it just expresses a proper API and 
doesn't rely on there being a obj.log function.

Then one "main" for nodejs:

(ns my-app.start-node
  (:require [my-app.log :as log]))

(log/set-logger! something-from-node-wrapped-in-reify)


or something similar for the browser. CLJS recently got support for :main and 
everyone should use it.

Just my 2 cents,

On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 11:53:25 AM UTC+1, Greg wrote:
> I have a project which targets both Node.js and the browser - the vast 
> majority of code is shared and kept in the 'src' folder, with anything that 
> needs to differ being held in 'src-client' and 'src-server'. It's getting a 
> little clunky to maintain this, though, so I'm hoping to move everything to a 
> single folder and use a macro to detect whether or not it's built with Node 
> extensions.
> Essentially, I want to allow something like this:
> (def logger
>     (client-or-server
>         js/log ; Use a globally namespaced library on the client
>         (nodejs/require "loglevel") ; Use a 'require' statement on the server
> ))
> But I'm finding myself a little lost in documentation when it comes to safely 
> detecting the existence of 'cljs.nodejs', and I'm wondering if it might be a 
> bad idea for as-yet unforeseen reasons?

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