[foo bar] makes a new react component, (foo bar) is just a function call.
So in your second example, [make-rows ...] is a component itself and
therefore gets rerendered when its subscriptions change - just like every
other component that gets rerendered when its data changes. The former is a
function call that returns its data, but doesn't by itself get rerun when
data changes.

Of course, that only explains why the second version works. I have no idea
why the rerender of make-table doesn't call the function each time.. I'm
still a bit new to reagent (having used Om for the past year), so am not
quite up to speed on all the idiosyncrasies.

On Sun, 29 Mar 2015 at 13:38 Colin Yates <colin.ya...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all, I have read the docs but might have overlooked something.
> I keep seeing components being updated in response to state changes but I
> don't see the latest state in that component.
> For example, in the following:
> (defn- make-rows
>   [on-click selected-id]
>   (js/console.log "rows has selected-id: " selected-id)
>   [:tbody
>    (for [idx (range 10)]
>      [:tr
>       {:class    (when (= selected-id idx) "selected")
>        :on-click #(do (on-click idx) nil)}
>       [:td "Some state"]])])
> (defn make-table []
>   (let [selected-id (subscribe [:search/selected-journey-id])]
>     (fn []
>       (js/console.log "make-table has selected-id: " @selected-id)
>       [table/table {:headers [{:class :ignore-me :text "whatever"}]
>                     :rows    (make-rows #(dispatch
> [:search/select-journey-id %])
>                                         @selected-id)}])))
> when I call [make-table] then I can see both make-table and make-rows
> being called with the new selected-id, but table/table never gets the new
> selected-id, it is always called with the old selected-id. It is as if the
> invocation to (rows) is cached.
> Changing make-table to use [make-rows] makes the problem worse as only
> make-tables is called in response to the selected-id changing.
> The only way I can get this to work is to make-rows itself subscribe to
> the selected-id:
> (defn- make-rows
>   [on-click]
>   (let [selected-id (subscribe [:search/selected-journey-id])]
>     (fn []
>       (js/console.log "rows has selected-id: " @selected-id)
>       [:tbody
>        (for [idx (range 10)]
>          [:tr
>           {:class    (when (= @selected-id idx) "selected")
>            :on-click #(do (on-click idx) nil)}
>           [:td "Some state"]])])))
> (defn make-table []
>   [table/table {:headers [{:class :ignore-me :text "whatever"}]
>                 :rows    [make-rows #(dispatch [:search/select-journey-id
> %])]}])
> Can somebody please explain why calling an fn with a @subscription is the
> wrong thing to do.
> Thanks for reading this far ;).
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