Generally the React elements mirror dom objects rather than html tags and 

For example, :multiple and :selected are booleans, not strings.

Also, the select element has a value property you can set directly instead of 
messing with :selected.

Code should be more like:

(defn duallist [] 
    [:select {:multiple true
              :value ["option2" "option3"]
              :size "10" 
              :name "duallistbox_demo" 
              :class "demo" 
              :style {:display "none"}} 
     [:option {:value "option1"} "Option 1"] 
     [:option {:value "option2"} "Option 2"] 
     [:option {:value "option3"} "Option 3"] 
     [:option {:value "option5"} "Option 5"] 

On Monday, March 30, 2015 at 5:32:54 AM UTC-5, Bin Li wrote:
> I created this reagent component:
> (defn duallist []
>   [:div.row
>    [:div.col-md-7
>     [:select {:multiple "multiple"
>               :size "10" 
>               :name "duallistbox_demo"
>               :class "demo"
>               :style {:display "none"}}
>      [:option {:value "option1"} "Option 1"]
>      [:option {:value "option2" :selected "selected"} "Option 2"]
>      [:option {:value "option3" :selected "selected"} "Option 3"]
>      [:option {:value "option5"} "Option 5"]
>      ]
>     ]
>    ]
>   )
> But it reader this html code:
> <select multiple="" size="10" name="duallistbox_demo2" class="demo2"
>       style="display: none;" data-reactid=".0.0.0">
>       <option value="option1" data-reactid=".">Option 1</option>
>       <option value="option2" selected="" data-reactid=".">Option 2
>       </option>
>       <option value="option3" selected="" data-reactid=".">Option 3
>       </option>
>       <option value="option5" data-reactid=".">Option 5</option>
> </select>
> The attribute multiple="" and selected="" , their values are not as expected.
> Any ideas? 
> Thanks in advance!

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