Am I correct that what you want is a temporary "scratchpad" where you make
edits which can then be committed to the global state, or discarded, based
on user action?

There are two ways that I've used to do this:
The first is to take a snapshot of the state before making changes (perhaps
using something like re-frame's undo feature). This way, the application
can react to the changes immediately and you don't need any special logic
to pull/push data from/to global state and components can read data as they
normally would and updates can be made through handlers same as everywhere
else. To commit, you don't need to do anything[1], to revert, you throw
away the changes by reverting back to the "before edit" snapshot.

The second technique I've used is to store the "edit mode" data elsewhere
in your global data (I've got a :scratchpad key in my app-db for things
like this, and other things like "what item in a list is selected"). You
would have to copy data to/from this the same way as with global state, so
you don't win anything in the "keeping data synchronised" department, but
the benefit over local state is that your components are dumb[2], your
update logic happens in one place and in a consistent way[3] and edits can
take part in whatever dataflow logic is applied to global state (eg
re-frame's undo; other components can subscribe to it etc).

Now, with that said, there are times when there's no way around using local
state, in which case I DO use it. But I treat this is a technical detail
(either a performance optimisation or to get around the React controlled
input "glitch" where cursor position is lost if updating an inputs value

This is how I handle it anyway. I do agree that the coordination isn't a
big deal in this case and perhaps something like Javelin would actually
make it a non issue, but I do feel that there are significant advantages to
keeping data global and isolated from view logic and update logic.

[1] Realistically, you probably still trigger a commit event to sync with
the server or clear the "is editing" flag and throw away the snapshot.
[2] Dumb components are less coupled, easier to understand, easier to test.
[3] This makes it easier (for me at least) to understand my code/data,
makes it easier to debug and easier to test. It also makes it easier to
build development tools (for example, I've got a (currently unreleased)
app-db viewer and handler event logger - if I store data locally, then
updates are invisible to these tools).

On Fri, 15 May 2015 at 13:57 Jamie Orchard-Hays <> wrote:

> Here's where I find local state useful and I am curious how advocates of
> centralized state handle it:
> A view component that allows editing. For example, click on the text and
> it changes to an input element. To me that is local state: "I'm in reading
> mode. Now I'm in editing mode." In my own app, I don't allow other
> components to change to editing mode when any other is in editing mode.
> This is a global state. So there is coordination, but it's not terrible as
> the component sets its local state and dispatches the handler for the app
> state at the same time.
> How do you all do it?
> Jamie
> On May 15, 2015, at 1:08 AM, Mike Thompson <>
> wrote:
> > On Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:27:46 AM UTC+10, Daniel Kersten wrote:
> >> Personally I find that moving state out of components as re-frame's
> subscriptions and handlers encourage is a desirable trait and would be
> cautious about reintroducing local state.
> >>
> >> Keeping my data in one place (and handling updates and queries through
> a centralised place) has made it a lot easier for me to manage complex data
> and logic.
> >>
> >> I've played with javelin in the past and it's a fantastic library. I
> quite like the idea of using it as a  replacement for (or perhaps together
> with?) re-frames subscriptions (so reagents ratoms, really), but in my
> opinion reliance on local state is a mistake.
> >
> >
> > I'd like to violently agree with you.  :-)
> >
> > State in the one place simplifies so much.  The moment you have state in
> multiple places, and that state needs synchronization, you have a problem.
> >
> > The strategy for solving that problem will involve either (1) things
> watching other things for changes or (2) things telling other things they
> have changed.  The OO paradigm encourages a lot of distributed,
> synchronized state, and the "The Observer pattern" is used to handle it.
> >
> > Those that use component local state with OM, have the same issues as
> the OO paradigm.  Sometimes they use a global bus to achieve synconization
> (things telling other things that something has changed) which is a similar
> pattern to various OO framemworks, like PureMVC.
> >
> > In the functional programming space, the movement seems to be towards
> FRP. Data flows into functions and out again, in something of a pipeline.
> The structure of those flows is more declarative WRT time.
> >
> > The thing is this: synchronization of state is a pain.  Have as little
> of it going on as you can.  Putting all your data in the one place
> certainly saves you from a certain class of problem -- reintroducing
> distributed state WILL cause you some grief. I'm not saying "never do it",
> but I am saying "there'd want to be a big payoff to warrant the pain".
> >
> > --
> > Mike
> >
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