yes, I’ve seen this, but what about support of that in
> 30 марта 2016 г., в 02:01, Linus Ericsson <> 
> написал(а):
> datomics pull-api actually goes both ways with reverse-lookup [1]
> by using reverse lookups you could have the dashboard query look something 
> like
> [{:dashboard/items [:item :name {:_cart [:id]}]
> (minus om/get-query things). Such a data-structure would make highlighting 
> easy, just look if the attribute :_cart is non-nil.
> {:books [{:item 1 :name "Joy of Clojure" :_cart {:id "cart-id-1"}
>                {:item 2 :name "Domain driven design"}
>                {:item 3 :name "Thinking fast and slow"}]}
> I don't know exactly how to do this in om-next, but in Datomic this works 
> quite well.
> [1] 
> <>
> /Linus
> 2016-03-29 13:29 GMT+02:00 Serzh Nechyporchuk < 
> <>>:
> Hi to everyone,
> I'm am very excited about the new version of Om. It really moves front-end 
> developing to the new level, so you can deal with much bigger complexity.
> But I have one concern about it, that I can't resolve by myself.
> David talks all the time that client must have an ability to ask data and 
> shape of that data from the server. So you have one API endpoint with 
> datomic-pull like API to work this problem out. With this approach hierarchy 
> of your components must always follow the hierarchy in your data. You can't 
> change the "shape", you only can change keys you want in resulting map. Data 
> flows only from top to the bottom and not in any other way. For example
> I have app data looks like this:
> {:books [{:item 1 :name "Joy of Clojure"}
>                {:item 2 :name "Domain driven design"}
>                {:item 3 :name "Thinking fast and slow"}]
> :cart [{:item 1 :name "Joy of Clojure"}]}
> And I have components:
> (defui Item
>  static om/Ident
>  (ident [this {:keys [id]}]
>    [:item/by-id id])
>  static om/IQuery
>  (query [this]
>    [:id :name]))
> (defui Dashboard
>  static om/IQuery
>  (query [this]
>    `[{:dasboard/items ~(om/get-query Item)}]))
> (defui Cart
>  static om/IQuery
>  (query [this]
>    [{:cart/items ~(om/get-query Item)}]))
> (defui RootView
>  static om/IQuery
>  (query [this]
>    `[{:dashboard ~(om/get-query Dashboard)}
>      {:cart ~(om/get-query Cart)}]))
> so I have Cart and Dashboard reuse same Item component.
> The task is to add Item to the Cart from Dashboard on click and highlight it 
> as added. There are no problems with adding, but there is one problem with 
> highlighting. So, there are two options:
> * just add flag to the Item that it is added
> * look at the cart/items when rendering items to see if it is added
> The first option adds some redundancy to the data, so the second is more 
> preferable. For second option Item component should have :dashboard map as 
> prop.
> So the whole problem that I can’t figure out how to do this, how to describe 
> this in a query. So this, datomic-like, API allows you to create element 
> hierarchy that can only follow the hierarchy in the data.
> Thank you.
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