Hi Jiyin Yiyong,

nice to see some alternatives to React in Clojure! I have to dig more into
your blog posts to understand your ideas but it definitively looks
May I suggest to have some documentation/examples in raw ClojureScript to
help people grasp the syntax?

You might also be interested in some libraries I wrote:
* https://github.com/jeluard/hipo create/reconciliate DOM nodes from hiccup
* https://github.com/jeluard/lucuma CustomElements boilerplate
* https://github.com/jeluard/picada a collection of google material
elements, built on both former libraries (WIP)


Le jeu. 21 avr. 2016 à 12:13, Jiyin Yiyong <jiyinyiy...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> I want to see if anyone is already getting bored about React.js like me.
> It's still fun to try React Native but React.js is old, its 2012
> technology(not quite sure about 2012, but old enough even 2013). React is
> not nicely decoupled, and not a great framework for animations. It's
> becoming as useful and as mature like jQuery. I think we can go beyond.
> Well, I've been programming for 5 years only from learning C in school and
> trying Python on my own(not counting course on Visual Basic since it was
> only a course). I can't build a whole framework like React. However, I can
> see some vision ahead and try them with my code. So they are Respo and
> Quamoit. Both are experimental project and in early stages(Docs not ready,
> sorry for that). Just hope they may be sources of inspirations.
> Respo
> repo https://github.com/mvc-works/respo/
> example app https://github.com/Memkits/wanderlist/
> Respo is like React but a lot simplified and decoupled. I implemented a
> simpler DOM diff algorithm and bound events. By now I can build very simple
> apps with it. I think the shiny parts are:
> * components are designed to fit with caching so that server side
> rendering would be faster
> * DOM diff/patching are decoupled, so possible to diff on server and patch
> at clients
> * element DSL in ClojureScript syntax, not JSX style
> * component states are stored global, so not losing during hot swapping
> You may find more on Hashnode and Youtube:
> https://hashnode.com/@jiyinyiyong/stories
> https://www.youtube.com/user/jiyinyiyong/videos
> Quamolit
> repo(alse example) https://github.com/Quamolit/quamolit
> components source code
> https://github.com/Quamolit/quamolit/tree/master/cirru-src/quamolit/component
> Quamolit is an experiment on canvas and it relies on Hit Regions APIs to
> work, so not even usable for build real apps. The nice thing is, in React
> it's difficult to make nice animations, in declarative canvas libraries
> there's no abstractions to compose components like React, Respo is maybe a
> way to combine them. You can browse the source code and take a look on my
> Youtube.
> For each component, there's functions of `init-state update-state
> init-instant on-tick on-update on-unmount render`, you may see what's going
> on by the names. So besides **state**, Quamoit introduced **instant** as
> the animations states, and it will be updated by **on-tick**(as
> requestAnimationFrame calls) **on-update**(as global store and states
> changes) **on-unmount**(as the component start leaving).
> Currently there are only videos and tweets(@jiyinyiyong) on Quamolit. I
> will add post when it's more stable.
> Projects are in early stage and when I go back to work a weeks later I
> will probably spend much time on them. I think my experience is not enough
> for real world frameworks, I hope someone may pick my ideas and use them in
> their own projects. I used to write in Chinese at
> segmentfault.com/blog/jiyinyiyong and I will later write on Hashnode in
> English to see if someone is interested.
> Hope you like my ideas. Thanks.
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