Thanks, Alan! As far as I can tell it's working in Chrome 9, FF45,
Safari 9 - but have not yet tested under IE or older versions of the
other browsers, also not used (yet) in production projects. This
( also seems to confirm that it
works on IE11+.

On 4 May 2016 at 16:34, Alan Moore <> wrote:
> Karsten,
> Awesome, I'll give it a try today.
> Have you found support for this to be consistent in all (major) browsers? I
> am assuming this works in both directions to/from the worker.
> We have been waiting several years for FF to support web sockets in workers,
> the last one to do so. Even IE had it early on - big surprise.
> only goes so far in their assessment of support for some of the corner cases
> or combinations of features.
> Thanks for the update! I'm looking forward to exploring more of your
> excellent work.
> Alan
> --
> "Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius,
> power, and magic in it. Begin it now." - Goethe
> On May 4, 2016, at 5:34 AM, Karsten Schmidt <> wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> in my tests I found that using buffer transfer is pretty much
> immediate (0-2ms) whereas using copies goes up to ~30-40ms (for a 10MB
> data buffer) - not the end of the world, but big difference when using
> workers for in a realtime context (e.g. animation). In addition to
> your message object you only need to specify another array of which
> objects to transfer, the onmessage handler stays the same...
> ;; send
> (let [buf (.-buffer (js/Uint8Array. 1e7))]
>  (.postMessage worker #js [buf] #js [buf]))
> Maybe important to point out: You can't transfer a typed array
> directly, only its underlying ArrayBuffer. After transfer the entire
> typed array will be unusable by the sender. Any writes to it will fail
> silently and reads will produce `undefined`...
> Hth!
> On 2 May 2016 at 22:28, Alan Moore <> wrote:
> Nice work Karsten!
> I'm especially curious about your experience with moving typed arrays
> between web workers and the main thread. We use workers for limited purposes
> now but would like to expand it to include pulling image content from a web
> socket - now that web sockets inside workers are recently/finally supported
> in FF.
> Alan
> On Sunday, May 1, 2016 at 5:54:29 PM UTC-7, Karsten Schmidt wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> last week I taught 3-day workshop about the above topics and thought
> some of you might be interested in this workshop report:
> The source code of the various examples/exercises is available here (a
> README will be added in the next few days):
> --
> Karsten Schmidt
> |
> --
> Karsten Schmidt
> | |

Karsten Schmidt | |

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