On Monday, December 12, 2016 at 2:21:20 PM UTC-6, Elric Erkose wrote:
> I was playing with goog.ui.editor.DefaultToolbar.makeToolbar. It doesn't 
> render properly because, among others, I'm missing the button stylesheet. Is 
> anyone aware of a cdn that provides the goog stylesheets?

I am unaware of any cdn, but the css for the google closure library components 
is included in the closure-library jar under the "goog.css" package (so inside 
a jar named "google-closure-library-#.#-TIME-COMMIT.jar, under the goog/css 
directory in that jar). This jar is a dependency of clojurescript, so if you 
have clojurescript in your classpath you will also have this. (There is some 
other css at css.inlay, I don't remember that it is for.)

If you have some kind of ring handler serving static assets off your classpath 
when you run clojurescript, you should be able to serve this css off the same 
process. The css will be at "/goog/css/", possibly with some prefix.

It's been a long time since I used google closure components, so I don't 
remember how the components got their required css. I think you had to match it 
up manually and make sure you had the right link rel=stylesheet elements set 
up, absent some tooling (plovr?) that did it for you.

I don't mean to discourage your experimentation, but the modern clojurescript 
ui libraries (especially the react-based ones like re-frame, reagent, rum, om, 
om.next, etc) are all much, much nicer to work with than the google closure 
component system. Our company made some heroic efforts to use them and to write 
our own components, both from JS and later from clojurescript, but after react 
came out we switched and never looked back.

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