Hi all,

I want to use reagent 0.8 with an external React 16, available as 
`window.React` (equivalent to using React from a CDN, but in reality built 
and exported from a separate webpack bundle).

My goal is to build a bundle which uses React, ReactDOM and 
createReactClass from the window object, instead of inlining its own copies 
of those libraries.

I talked to @Deraen about this on Slack a couple of months ago who helped 
me get this working. I'm currently able to build a bundle as described 
above, but I have to vendor in all the extern files from the relevant 
cljsjs React libraries, and add them to :exclusions. My :compiler key in my 
cljsbuild config looks like this:

   :foreign-libs [{:file "src/js/empty.js"
                   :provides ["react" "react-dom" "create-react-class" 
                   :requires []
                   :global-exports {react React
                                    react-dom ReactDOM
                                    create-react-class createReactClass
                                    react-dom/server ReactDOMServer}}]
   :externs ["src/js/externs/react.ext.js"

He thought at the time that it should be possible without the externs and 
:exclusions, as mentioned on this page: 

> it should be possible to override the Cljsjs foreign-libs, while still 
using externs from Cljsjs packages.

But I can't figure it out - if I don't exclude the cljsjs libraries, I get 
a bundle with React 15 built-in, and if I do exclude them, the bundle is 
broken because the externs are missing and the names get eaten by the 
closure compiler.

Is there any way around having to commit the externs?


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