
I followed the instruction 
on https://clojurescript.org/guides/quick-start#browser-repl
And I tested some code in clojurescript repl and got the following below.

cljs.user=> (defn ^{:a 777} f [] (meta #'f))
cljs.user=> (f)
{:ns cljs.user, :doc nil, :file "<cljs repl>", :line 1, :column 1, :name f, 
:test nil, :arglists ()}
cljs.user=> (meta #'f)
{:ns cljs.user, :name f, :file "<cljs repl>", :end-column 18, :source "^{:a 
777} f", :column 1, :line 1, :end-line 1, :arglists ([]), :doc nil, :test 
nil, :a 777}

The same forms (meta #'f) inside and outside of function f return the 
different metadata.
Is it correct or wrong?


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