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Hi Andreas,
On 01/18/2013 06:29 AM, Andreas Winkelbauer wrote:
> Hi Steven!
> It would of course be optimal to throttle the CPU clock according to the
> current temperature, but this is exactly what the kernel attempts to do.
> Unfortunately this approach may fail under heavy load for several
> reasons (BIOS bugs, bad ACPI implementation, inaccurate sensors,
> insufficient cooling either by design or through aging, dust, etc.).
> Therefore I think it is appropriate to give the user an (expert) option
> to reduce the CPU clock. It would also be possible to monitor the kernel
> messages for potential thermal problems (usually something like
> "temperature above threshold") and to reduce the CPU clock automatically
> if such messages show up. However, I am not sure if such a behavior
> should be enabled by default (because even if the temperature is high it
> might not always be necessary to permanently reduce the CPU clock,
> thereby unnecessarily degrading the performance).
> For an expert option concerning the CPU clock, I have thought of the
> following implementation possibilities:
> * Find available frequencies and let the user select one of them.
> * Let the user select 50%, 60%, ..., 100% of the maximum frequency.
> * Let the user enter the percentage of the maximum frequency to be used.
> I would prefer the second option, since it should be easy to understand
> by the user and also simple to implement. What do you think?
Agree. We will implement this in the future release.
Thanks again for this idea.

> Cheers,
> Andreas
> On 2013-01-16 01:42, Steven Shiau wrote:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> Thanks for sharing that.
>> Your solution is great. For sure it a great feature we should add in the
>> expert mode. Besides this, I think another option solution is to find a
>> way to know the temperature is too high then accordingly reduce the CPU
>> speed.
>> We should discuss more about this.
>> Thanks again.
>> Steven.
>> On 2013/1/16 上午 07:47, Andreas Winkelbauer wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> several users have reported hardware failures with clonezilla due to
>>> thermal problems, in particular with notebooks (see [1-3]). I also have
>>> seen these issues with my HP 2540p laptop. It seems that the cooling
>>> system of some notebooks is insufficient when the system is run at full
>>> CPU load for an extended period of time (this can be minutes, hours, or
>>> even days before a shut down to prevent overheating will occur).
>>> Since up to now no solution has been posted here, I'll explain how I
>>> solved the thermal problems for me. A possible solution is to set the
>>> CPU to a fixed, lower operating frequency using cpufreq-set from
>>> cpufrequtils (which is installed by default). This effectively reduces
>>> heat at the cost of a (relatively small) performance penalty.
>>> Specifically, what I did was (for a system with 4 CPUs):
>>> $ sudo cpufreq-set -c 0 -f 1600MHz
>>> $ sudo cpufreq-set -c 1 -f 1600MHz
>>> $ sudo cpufreq-set -c 2 -f 1600MHz
>>> $ sudo cpufreq-set -c 3 -f 1600MHz
>>> This worked for me and it should work with all reasonably modern CPUs.
>>> The current settings and the available frequency steps can be read using
>>> $ cpufreq-info
>>> A few remarks: cpufreq-set automatically rounds the specified frequency
>>> to the "nearest" available operating frequency (my laptop CPU, e.g., has
>>> a minimum frequency of 1.2 GHz and a maximum frequency of 2.53 GHz with
>>> 11 steps in total). However, I have observed that the rounding sometimes
>>> does not work if -f specifies exactly one of the available frequencies
>>> (then the next higher frequency might be used instead which seems to be
>>> a bug of cpufreq-set). Using the above commands, the CPU runs at a fixed
>>> frequency until changed again or until the next restart. Changes made by
>>> cpufreq-set are not permanent, i.e., the changes are lost if the system
>>> is rebooted.
>>> Another way to prevent overheating could be to use "cpulimit", but I
>>> find it less suited for this particular use case and the corresponding
>>> package is not installed by default.
>>> @Steven: I could provide a patch for clonezilla-live to include this in
>>> the expert options. However, we should think about how to implement this
>>> best.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Andreas
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]

- -- 
Steven Shiau <steven _at_ nchc org tw> <steven _at_ stevenshiau org>
National Center for High-performance Computing, Taiwan.
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