I've swapped the secondary dev.toolforge.org bastion to a new server
running Debian 12. As usual, the new SSH fingerprints have been
published on Wikitech[0].

The new bastion no longer has the full list of packages installed that
were required for Grid Engine usage. If there is a package missing
from the new bastion that you would find useful, please file a new
Phabricator task in the Toolforge project[1].

If there are no major issues found I will also swap the main
login.toolforge.org bastion to a new server in a few days. I'll send a
separate announcement when that happens.

[0]: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:SSH_Fingerprints/dev.toolforge.org
[1]: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/toolforge/


Taavi Väänänen (he/him)
Site Reliability Engineer, Cloud Services
Wikimedia Foundation
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