Possibly due to my putting it in the meeting schedule on the wrong day, or
possibly just due to first week with the new time, hijinks totally failed to
ensuelast week. Let's fix that this time around. :)

   UTC/GMT            2PM (14:00)
   Eastern Daylight: 10AM
   Pacific Daylight:  7AM 
   Central European:  4PM

This is in #fedora-meeting-1.

For people for whom these times are not convenient, we will have an informal
meeting in #fedora-cloud *today* at 20:00 GMT, and I'll also be in the
channel tomorrow at the same time for followup.

Anyone have any particular agenda items? Things I'm aware of: F18 feature
freeze, getting cloud images on mirrors.
Matthew Miller  ☁☁☁  Fedora Cloud Architect  ☁☁☁  <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
cloud mailing list

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