Hi Russ,

I think you'll find it hard to get any traction here kickstarts especially
in the "cloud front" are used increasingly less in favour of bootstrapping
an instance with  puppet / chef for provisioning above and beyond the base

The tdl format is somewhat of a stop gap between kickstarts and fully
fledged provisioning I have found, and a good project providing many
example tdls is the Aeolus project: http://www.aeolusproject.org/

Myself I have gone the way of kickstarts -> boxgrinder -> oz -> puppet.

Also of note, puppet manifests as they use a ruby DSL version control very
well, I can not vouch for chef however.



On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 4:15 PM, R P Herrold <herr...@owlriver.com> wrote:

> in the IRC channel, I am advised by 'msavy' that Boxgrinder is on a path
> to end as a project, and transition into:
>         http://imgfac.org/
> which uses underneath: oz
>         https://github.com/**clalancette/oz<https://github.com/clalancette/oz>
> Seemingly also, the former (and somewhat broken) appliance-creator goes
> away
> My goal is to be able to get to an TUI tool:
>         image building image
> that accepts kickstart config files as input, and emits runnable new
> images of various type, and it looked as though I could graft on the needed
> elements to Boxgrinder.  There is a lot of churn, for example on the Fedora
> 'cloud' sig mailing list, and on corresponding Debian list, on what to
> include, or exclude from pre-built cloud images.
> I think those 'cloud' working groups are solving the wrong problem at the
> wrong place, [some want JEOS to include a listening sshd, and package
> install tool; others want rsync, or man, or more, or less ... the
> preferences never end and there is no 'right answer']
> An:
>         image building image
> decouples those design preferences and moves solving those issues into a
> flat text specification ( a 'ks.cfg', etc) that will work well in a version
> control system (unlike using a GUI front end which does not)
> -- Russ herrold
cloud mailing list

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