On Mar 13, 2014 3:26 PM, "Jared K. Smith" <jsm...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 12:52 PM, Jared K. Smith <jsm...@fedoraproject.org>
>> Just out of curiosity though, is any of this intended to make its way
into the Cloud Guide?  Or is Cloud Guide completely abandoned from the
perspective of the Cloud SIG?
> I really should have checked the Cloud Guide a bit closer before saying
that -- it seems this page is pretty much a copy/paste from the Amazon EC2
section of the Cloud Guide.  And when I went to check to see who had
written that section of the Cloud Guide, I found that it was mostly me :-/
> That still begs the question though -- does anybody else but me care
about the Cloud Guide, or have any interest in working on it with me?
> --
> Jared Smith

I've poked at it in relatively recent history, and maybe even corrected the
source for some of the things you've pointed out (or at least made notes :)

Definitely something I'm interested in working on, but time and the
experience gap have combined forces against me.

-- Pete
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