I have some preliminary results in my OSJourno project

1. I couldn't find all the missing pieces for Image Factory (there's a
template file needed) so I did the build using livemedia-creator. It
took a couple of edits to get a working kickstart but that's in

2. If you remove kpartx, grub2, dracut and firewalld, systemd is
missing from the image, which errors the livemedia-creator install and
probably yields a non-functional Fedora anyhow. So I added systemd to
the kickstart.

3. The resulting image builds znmeb/osjourno-rd correctly and the few
run-time tests I did worked.

4. Sizes: original Fedora base: 250.2 MB, reduced image: 179.9 MB.
That's a saving of 78.3 MB and makes the Fedora image smaller than the
Ubuntu one.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 1:32 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <zn...@znmeb.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 1:13 PM, Matthew Miller
> <mat...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 11:02:34AM -0800, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
>>> What's the process? I found grub2 and fedora-logos in my own testing
>>> but didn't know about firewalld? Does one simply remove things and run
>>> a test suite? *Is* there a test suite?
>> No test suite yet. Help wanted. :)
> Right now I have only two Fedora-based Docker images -
> https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/znmeb/osjourno-rd/ is the most
> active and the test suite is
> a. Make sure it builds on Docker Hub
> b. docker run
> c. Browse to the RStudio Server and make all the documents from
> templates (by hand).
> I can probably automate the third step via Firefox but I haven't taken
> the time to do that.
> I am planning to integrate it with a PostgreSQL/PostGIS image and a
> Redis image in the near future but I may use the "official" images
> from Docker Hub (on a Debian base) rather than the ones in
> "fedora-dockerfiles"..
>> It's made from this kickstart —
>> https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/spin-kickstarts.git/tree/fedora-docker-base.ks
>> and fed through ImageFactory in Koji to produce a tarball of / as the
>> output.
> Given a working Docker image, is there some combination of 'docker
> export', tar archive manipulation and 'docker import' that can achieve
> the same effect? I tried just piping an export with packages removed
> to an import, but that didn't make the image smaller.
>>> How about dracut? Does that need to be there?
>> It seems very unlikely.
> BTW, this conversation is fractured between this mailing list thread
> and the TRAC issue #66. We should merge the threads somehow.
>> --
>> Matthew Miller
>> <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
>> Fedora Project Leader
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> --
> OSJourno: Robust Power Tools for Digital Journalists
> http://www.znmeb.mobi/stories/osjourno-robust-power-tools-for-digital-journalists
> Remember, if you're traveling to Bactria, Hump Day is Tuesday and Thursday.

OSJourno: Robust Power Tools for Digital Journalists

Remember, if you're traveling to Bactria, Hump Day is Tuesday and Thursday.
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