On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 11:59:41AM -0500, Jonathan Lebon wrote:
> I've also been working on a similar feature for the Atomic
> image (although it should work just fine for the Base images
> as well if we want). Basically, it adds a new boot menu item
> labeled "Developer Mode" (working title ;) ).

This is pretty clever, and maybe something we should ship in the cloud
base image too.

The price, though, is a delay at boot time -- based on
experience, the POST goes so fast in KVM that you don't get a chance to
hit a key unless there's a boot menu delay of at least a couple of
seconds. And then for cloud instances _not_ in developer mode, that's
two+ seconds of boot delay every time, for no reason.

I dunno, maybe it's worth it.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
cloud mailing list

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