On Wed, Feb 03, 2016 at 10:29:26PM -0800, Garrett Holmstrom wrote:
> That aside, let's be realistic here:  storing 3GB of snapshot data
> in all ten EC2 regions costs $3.04 per month.  Even after accounting
> for two architectures and the past few releases' PV-vs-HVM split, I
> could host every Fedora Cloud release ever produced for less than my
> personal AWS bill.  If cutting costs is that important, are the
> final release images really the place to focus?  It is clear that
> some people find them valuable.

Again, the intention wasn't to remove released images. We're not sure
what happened with this one. (See my other post -- ami-15326925 is
currently there for Fedora Cloud Base HVM in us-west-2.)

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
cloud mailing list

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