On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:19 AM, Joe Brockmeier <j...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Adam Miller
> <maxamill...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> My main concern is that we would then introduce a concept of "next"
>> that isn't well defined within the Release Engineering vocabulary or
>> the Fedora Project at large as any sort of milestone deliverable.
>> (Where as in debian land "stable", "testing", and "unstable"/"sid" are
>> well defined streams of code/content).
>> What we could do is release Fedora N+1 at Alpha, Beta, and Final times
>> and tag is as N-alpha, N-beta, and then finally just N (and latest).
>> Example:
>> Fedora 24 is current stable -> docker image:tag fedora:24 and
>> fedora:latest point to this.
>> Fedora 25 Alpha is released -> push docker image:tag fedora:25-alpha to the 
>> Hub
>> Fedora 25 Beta is released -> push docker image:tag fedora:25-beta to
>> the Hub (removing fedora:25-alpha tag)
>> Fedora 25 GA is released -> push docker image:tag fedora:25 (removing
>> the fedora:25-beta tag and update fedora:latest to point to fedora:25)
>> Fedora Rawhide continues rolling along as it does fedora:rawhide (we
>> tend to update this roughly once a month right now)
>> Thoughts?
> So this fits with our engineering processes, I guess, but I'm
> considering the end consumer.
> If I'm building images and just want to test with "the next release of
> Fedora" I don't know I want to be fiddling with the tags continually.
> Especially if I'm doing some kind of workflow with CI/CD and just
> checking "did something break"? This feels like a lot of manual
> fiddling required. We'll also wind up with a LOT of tags on Docker Hub
> (can we delete those?).

I think we can delete them for the base images. I'm not sure about for
layered images.

I can see the end user desire for a moving target to test things
against. This is something we're going to have to fix for Atomic
Two-Week Release soon-ish also.

Following the moving target idea of a "next" tag, would "next" then
point to Rawhide when we're in the limbo period of "post GA, pre
Branched" ?


> I'm mostly hypothesizing, though - I would be interested in hearing
> from people consuming the images.
>> Also, as an aside. Whatever we decide should be brought up with Fedora
>> RelEng as a meeting ticket to make sure the proposal is workable from
>> a release perspective (though I suspect it will be and will volunteer
>> to take that on). I'll also volunteer write up a SOP doc for Fedora
>> RelEng Documentation so that this information persists and is well
>> defined if there's future questions about it.
> +1
> Best,
> jzb
> --
> Joe Brockmeier | Community Team, OSAS
> j...@redhat.com | http://community.redhat.com/
> Twitter: @jzb  | http://dissociatedpress.net/
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