On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 9:22 AM, Sayan Chowdhury
<sayan.chowdhury2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am planning to move the testing functionality to test AMIs from
> fedimg to Autocloud. Right now, the fedimg just runs the /bin/true
> command to test if the AMIs is proper or not. Therefore, I am planning
> to completely remove this functionality from fedimg and move to
> Autocloud.
> The plan:
> 1. Once fedimg creates a new AMI. It will be sending out a fedmsg
> message with a new topic 'fedimg.ami.create'.
> 2. Autocloud will be listening to this topic and schedule a testing
> for the AMI using Tunir. This process will be completely separate and
> will have no overlap with the current process of testing images.
> 3. If the test passes, Autocloud emits fedmsg message with topic
> 'ami.passed'. Fedimg listens to this topic and makes that particular
> AMI public and copies the AMI to other regions.
> 4. If the test fails, Autocloud emits fedmsg message with topic
> 'ami.failed. Fedimg also  listens to this topic and deletes all the
> AMis and related resources.
> This will give the provision to test the AMIs properly and we can have
> a separate dashboard for the same. As soon as deployed, we can run
> tests from the current set of testcases we have.
> Do share your thoughts or questions on this proposal.

Sounds good.



> --
> Sayan Chowdhury <https://sayanchowdhury.dgplug.org/>
> Senior Software Engineer, Fedora Engineering - Emerging Platform
> GPG Fingerprint : 0F16 E841 E517 225C 7D13  AB3C B023 9931 9CD0 5C8B
> Proud to work at The Open Organization!
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