On 06/09/16, Micah Abbott wrote:
> It looks like the ostree composes had the version numbering reset on July
> 20.
> # ostree pull --commit-metadata-only --depth=-1
> fedora-atomic:fedora-atomic/24/x86_64/docker-host
> 68 metadata, 0 content objects fetched; 7 KiB transferred in 32 seconds
> # ostree log fedora-atomic/24/x86_64/docker-host
> commit 5832e43bcf2054a46169442557d4348d38e280161955c4bcd83b19db6649a5df
> Date:  2016-09-05 01:23:02 +0000
> Version: 24.35
> (no subject)
> ...
> commit 076c89f879b14c24b5912c0daa389e1e8e227bc2456d4a59fe1619f5bd2c9202
> Date:  2016-07-20 17:21:21 +0000
> Version: 24
> (no subject)
> maxamillion was looking at this around mid-August and noticed something
> similar:
> Aug 15 15:14:00 <miabbott>  maxamillion: it looks like the version string
> got reset on 2016-07-20 to just '24'
> ...
> Aug 15 15:15:38 <miabbott>  the unfortunate side effect of whatever happened
> on that day is that all the previous commit history is gone
> Aug 15 15:16:20 <maxamillion>   yeah, Fedora RelEng changed a bunch of the
> compose stuff on that day ... it's had some side effects
> Aug 15 15:17:06 <miabbott>  well, that's better than not knowing why it
> happened
> Aug 15 15:17:27 <maxamillion>   yeah, it wasn't just Atomic Host impacted
> ... number of things were
Thanks for the detailed information.

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