On 01/30/2017 03:25 PM, p...@wesleytech.com wrote:
> Greetings! Can someone please explain the process for publishing Fedora AMI's 
> to AWS?

We use fedimg to upload images to AWS. As far as I know it hasn't been
touched in a while and needs some love:


> I see the "official" Fedora Cloud page has 'Click to launch' base images for 
> AWS here: https://alt.fedoraproject.org/cloud/
> However, if I click to launch the GP2 HVM AMIs, I see the us-west-2 (Oregon) 
> AMI listed is ami-3dea475d, which was published 2016-11-15.

Yes, the cloud base AMIs correspond to the original release of Fedora
25 that was done in November. The atomic images are the ones that get
released every two weeks. We don't officially "release" the cloud base
images every two weeks. We'd like to, but we are spread a bit thin and
some other things take higher priority.

> Do new AMI's get published on a particular cadence? If so, how/when does that 
> happen?
> If I search for AMI's from the Fedora account ID (125523088429), I can see 
> AMI's as recent as January 29th.
> https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home?region=us-west-2#Images:visibility=public-images;ownerAlias=125523088429;search=Fedora-Cloud-Base-25;creationDate=%3E2017-01-01T00:00-07:00;sort=name

We do build Atomic images nightly (for testing/release for two week
atomic). The cloud base images get built as part of this process but
we don't ever intend to use them (at this time). The images you are
finding are from that process.

> Are all images published by the Fedora account suitable/recommended for use?

We don't officially "release" the newer cloud base images. Again, we
would like to and most of the process is in place. Just need to build
better testing out.

> I'm assuming that the newest AMI's would have all updates and patches up to 
> date as of the publish date, is this correct?

They are built from whatever is in the updates repo I believe.

> What is the retention policy on AMI's? Can we count on a particular AMI (eg; 
> ami-d27bc3b2 ) being available and not disappearing for a specific amount of 
> time?

You can count on the released fedora cloud AMIs being around until
EOL. The ones that aren't released (the ones we have been talking
about) could get cleaned up.
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