On Fri, Feb 03, 2017 at 10:41:38AM -0600, Joe Doss wrote:
> I was talking on IRC with Dusty and he said this topic would be good
> for the mailing list. What would it take to get an updated cloud
> image beyond the first image that comes out when a new version of
> Fedora ships?

So, we are already _making_ these; you can see them at
https://apps.fedoraproject.org/autocloud/compose — they're currently
under a compose ID with "Atomic" in the name, but AIUI that's going to
be split out. (I was worried that these might not include updates, but
that's fixed.)

Let's make a list of what needs to happen... here's what I can think

1.  Decide if we are okay with the level of automated testing these are
    getting, or if we need human testing, or if we need more automated

2.  If we need more automated tests, someone needs to sign up for that

3a. If we need human testing, someone needs to sign up to write the
    release criteria

3b. And, someone would need to commit to doing the validation every

4. Work with release engineering and infrastructure to adapt the Atomic
   Host gating/release process for Cloud Base

5. Work with release engineering to get updated images to mirrors and

6. Someone needs to sign up to update the Vagrant Atlas index

7. Work with websites to update cloud.fedoraproject.org to also offer
   updated images. (I'm thinking the page should default to the latest,
   but there should be some way to "scroll back" all the way to the GA

8. Decide if we want to switch Cloud Base entirely to this
   automatic process and eschew release milestones

I'm sure I'm missing something -- what else should be added?

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
cloud mailing list -- cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org
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