On 03/28/2017 10:23 AM, nore...@fedoraproject.org wrote:
> A new Fedora Atomic Host update is available via an OSTree commit:
> Commit: 6a71adb06bc296c19839e951c38dc0b71ee5d7a82262fef9612f256f0c2a70da
> Version: 25.89
> Existing systems can be upgraded in place via e.g. `atomic host upgrade` or
> `atomic host deploy`.
> Corresponding image media for new installations can be downloaded from:
>     https://getfedora.org/en/atomic/download/
> Respective signed CHECKSUM files can be found here:
> https://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-25-20170327.0/CloudImages/x86_64/images/Fedora-CloudImages-25-20170327.0-x86_64-CHECKSUM
> https://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-25-20170327.0/Atomic/x86_64/iso/Fedora-Atomic-25-20170327.0-x86_64-CHECKSUM
> For direct download, the "latest" targets are always available here:
>     https://getfedora.org/atomic_iso_latest
>     https://getfedora.org/atomic_qcow2_latest
>     https://getfedora.org/atomic_raw_latest
>     https://getfedora.org/atomic_vagrant_libvirt_latest
>     https://getfedora.org/atomic_vagrant_virtualbox_latest
> Filename fetching URLs are available here:
>     https://getfedora.org/atomic_iso_latest_filename
>     https://getfedora.org/atomic_qcow2_latest_filename
>     https://getfedora.org/atomic_raw_latest_filename
>     https://getfedora.org/atomic_vagrant_libvirt_latest_filename
>     https://getfedora.org/atomic_vagrant_virtualbox_latest_filename
> For more information about the latest targets, please reference the Fedora
> Cloud Wiki space.
>     https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud#Quick_Links
> Do note that it can take some of the mirrors up to 12 hours to "check-in" at
> their own discretion.
> Thank you,
> Fedora Release Engineering

The Vagrant Atlas page with the new atomic host:


vagrant init fedora/25-atomic-host; vagrant up

or, if you already have the box, to get the new one:

vagrant box update --box fedora/25-atomic-host

- Dusty
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