On Mon, Jun 05, 2017 at 02:22:52PM -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
> On 06/05/2017 01:55 PM, Dusty Mabe wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On 06/05/2017 04:48 PM, Josh Boyer wrote:
> >> Hi Atomic group,
> >>
> >> The Atomic PRD (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Atomic/PRD) that was
> >> recently drafted says that other CPU architectures can be added as new
> >> community members join.  A perfectly fair and reasonable statement!
> >> However, it now leads me to ask a question of you.  Do you have formal
> >> ways for a new community member to join?  Is there an on-boarding
> >> document in place?  I ask because we already have community members
> >> willing to maintain other cpu architectures, particularly around ARM
> >> for IoT and ppc64le for containers.
> >>
> >> So aside from the work they have already done, such as request
> >> composes for these architectures and do testing, what else would you
> >> like to see in order for them to be official members?
> >>
> > 
> > Hey Josh,
> > 
> > We don't have anything official that I know of. For me it's all about
> > the following:
> > 
> > 1 - do people hang out in IRC/mailing list and show up for meetings
> > 2 - do things get unbroken relatively quickly
> > 3 - does requested work get done in a timely manner
> > 
> > If you want to formally be a member of the WG then doing those three
> > things and requesting to be a formal member will most likely get you
> > there. You can formally request to be a member by opening a ticket 
> > against our pagure instance.
> > 
> > Note that formal WG membership doesn't really buy you much. We really
> > take all of our community involvement seriously and I don't think
> > we've ever not considered someones vote for something because they
> > weren't an official member. We are glad to have everyone!
> > 
> > I hope this helps answer your question
> Hey, we could put up a wiki page with all of the above, no?

We could always borrow the format the QA team uses for new members:


Basically, we ask them to apply for FAS group membership and send an
intro email to the test@ list to get admitted into the group. Having the
CLA + 1 does get you access to some things, so it's not a waste to have
that process.

// Mike
Fedora QA
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