Sometimes a subquery will be faster that the LEFT JOIN:

WHERE page_id NOT IN (SELECT c2.cl_from FROM categorylinks c2 WHERE
c2.cl_to = 'صفحه‌های_گسترده_در_دست_ساخت'

If that doesn't help, you'll probably have to paginate the query (split it
into smaller chunks, then recombine them).

On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 08:52 Huji Lee <> wrote:

> I have a query that tries to find pages in article namespace that contain
> a link to some page in the user/user talk namespace. Many of these result
> from users signing in the articles (which is obviously not appropriate).
> The query also tries to exclude pages that have a legitimate link to user
> pages; e.g. our {{under construction}} template contains a link to the user
> page of the person who affixed the template, and we can easily find these
> pages based on a category they get added to by the same template.
> The query is very brief, and I have pasted it below. To the best of my
> understand, it uses indexes and does not cause any USING WHERE or USING
> FILESORT steps. Nevertheless, the query takes more than 30 minutes on Labs
> and is killed as a result.
> Is there a way to optimize this query further? If not, that is okay; I
> will implement a two-step query. But I just want to make sure I'm not
> missing something obvious.
> Thanks,
> Huji
>   page_title,
>   pl_title,
>   CASE
>     WHEN c2.cl_to IS NULL THEN NULL
>     ELSE '{{yes}}'
>   END AS under_construction
> FROM page
> JOIN pagelinks
>   ON page_id = pl_from
> LEFT JOIN categorylinks c2
>   ON page_id = c2.cl_from
>   AND c2.cl_to = 'صفحه‌های_گسترده_در_دست_ساخت'
>   page_namespace = 0
>   AND pl_namespace IN (2, 3)
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