Hi Arturo,

This is great news! The tool urls will be definitely prettier this way.

Currently, it is possible to link to a Toolforge-hosted service from a
WMF wiki with the following wikicode:

[[:toollabs:editgroups/b/OR/f813407aad/|my link]]

which links to


Do you have any plans to migrate this to any other syntax? I assume the
new scheme would make it hard, since the tool name and the URL path are

Serving permanent redirects to the new URL scheme is a good idea. It is
very important for this editgroups tool as there are millions of links
to it in edit summaries (which are not editable).


On 13/04/2020 13:25, Arturo Borrero Gonzalez wrote:
> Hi!
> We are happy to announce the new domain 'toolforge.org' is now ready to be
> adopted by our Toolforge community.
> There is a lot of information related to this change in a wikitech page we 
> have
> for this:
> https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/Toolforge.org
> The most important change you will see happening is a new domain/scheme for
> Toolforge-hosted webservices:
> * from https://tools.wmflabs.org/<toolname>/
> * to   https://<toolname>.toolforge.org/
> A live example of this change can be found in our internal openstack-browser
> webservice tool:
> * legacy URL: https://tools.wmflabs.org/openstack-browser/
> * new URL:    https://openstack-browser.toolforge.org
> This domain change is something we have been working on for months previous to
> this announcement. Part of our work has been to ensure we have a smooth
> transition from the old domain (and URL scheme) to the new canonical one.
> However, we acknowledge the ride might be bumpy for some folks, due to 
> technical
> challenges or cases we didn't consider when planning this migration. Please
> reach out intermediately if you find any limitation or failure anywhere 
> related
> to this change. The wikitech page also contains a section with information for
> common problems.
> You can check now if your webservice needs any specific change by creating a
> temporal redirection to the new canonical URL:
> $ webservice --canonical --backend=kubernetes start [..]
> $ webservice --canonical --backend=gridengine start [..]
> The --canonical switch will create a temporal redirect that you can turn 
> on/off.
> Please use this to check how your webservice behaves with the new domain/URL
> scheme. If you start the webservice without --canonical, the temporal redirect
> will be removed.
> We aim to introduce permanent redirects for the legacy URLs on 2020-06-15. We
> expect to keep serving legacy URLs forever, by means of redirections to the 
> new
> URLs. More information on the redirections can also be found in the wikitech 
> page.
> The toolforge.org domain is finally here! <3

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