I took another look at the FS http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/DesignDocs/Site-to-site+VPN+functional+spec And the test suite http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/QA/Site-to-Site+VPN
1. It isn't clear if we are going to use pre-shared keys (PSK) or public-key (RSA keys) * If PSK, who generates this and what is the strength of this key? * Can this PSK be changed / revoked ? 2. Why is this restricted to admin only? 3. Does this require "conserve mode = true" ? 4. Is NAT traversal supported? 5. FS and test suite in my mind should cover FCAPS (faults, configuration, administration, performance, security) * How do you deal with faults? What happens when the VR is restarted? What happens if VR gets disconnected from the remote end? * The API parameters and responses need to be more completely documented. * If a user complains that his s-2-s VPN is not working / used to work but does not now, how can customer support diagnose this problem? * How well does this perform: what is the target throughput and what is the size (RAM/CPU) needed to achieve this performance? * Is there a need for a later kernel on the VR for AES support? * How secure is this implementation? Can the PSK be guessed? Are the latest security patches for OpenSwan available in the VR?