I just want to be clear, since I was the first to raise concerns, that
I appreciate the work that has been put into javelin. It's been said
multiple times now in various ways that merging is a form of reward
for a job well done, and that denying that will affect the passion or
drive of the developers who worked on it. I completely agree, and
never intended to rob anyone of that.

I also agree that anything that will clear the path for better testing
and easier development is worthwhile. I agree that javelin provides
much needed value.

The only concerns I think have been brought up really revolve about
the value of shipping it to customers. From a customer perspective,
does shipping a tool that will aid development in a branch that is in
development freeze matter? All of the development will continue
happily along in master and branches of master, and spring will be
there. I think that's the main point people have been asking about, is
what it provides to the 4.1 branch.

I think the existing plan laid out is a good compromise.

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Kelven Yang <kelven.y...@citrix.com> wrote:
> On 1/28/13 10:49 PM, "Alex Karasulu" <akaras...@apache.org> wrote:
>>On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:54 AM, Sheng Liang
>>> > At the same time we are really close to freeze, this potentially
>>> the work of others; and while it should be mostly innocuous, it is
>>>still a
>>> large amount of disruption, for what appears to me to be > precious
>>> benefit for the project or the 4.1 release.
>>> > So why are we pushing so hard to get this done by freeze?
>>> We are pushing so hard to get this done for 4.1 release because the
>>> developers who built it are passionate about their work and we are well
>>> within the deadline of checking in new features. Passion of developers
>>> what keeps the project alive.
>>As a disclaimer I absolutely abhor Spring. I think it's a big turd and
>>should be whipped off the face of the earth. I was sad to see Spring make
>>it in over OSGi.
>>Sheng has a great point about developer passion. It's not always about the
>>features and about utility. The passion is indeed what keeps the project
>>alive. MIght want to stop and rethink this.
>>Again I hate Spring! Yuck!
> Let Spring bear the blame for a while, more deeper reason is actually that
> we are trying to clear the way a little bit towards a cleaner,
> loosely-coupled component model. We have too many runtime hard-coded
> wiring logic between components within the system, make it hard to
> unit-test and also to encourage a too-free-style coding habit for
> developers to code in CloudStack. Bearing this in mind, we've particularly
> refactored the code to have very minimal dependency to the component
> container itself, cut a clear line between component and component
> container, this also lays out the way towards adopting other better
> container in the future so that replacing it become a piece of cake task
> (not like this one at this time)
> It will be a long journey to shape CloudStack into a better
> next-generation structure, this is just a start and this is why we'd like
> to get it more early than later. Otherwise, it may take another 4 months
> to get the idea into CloudStack main stream.
>>> I personally think this check-in has huge benefit. It lays the
>>> for cleaner componentization (which is huge for CloudStack) and the new
>>> storage architecture. In any case "lack of benefit" does not seem like a
>>> technical reason to prevent a check-in. It would benefit a fledging
>>> like CloudStack to be inclusive.
>>> The potential disruption is a valid concern. And that's why we need to
>>> complete this check-in before deadline so we have time to stabilize the
>>> code base prior to the 4.1 release.
>>Or just extend the deadline and relax.
>>> It is also true CloudStack does not have a good automated regression
>>> suite to make sure a check-in like this does not break some other
>>> in CloudStack. But lack of a thorough automated regression suite a
>>> with CloudStack in general. We've let in other big changes in this
>>> I know developers who wrote this check-in have thoroughly regression
>>> to the best of their abilities.
>>This is  a point I tried to make to a few folks before CloudStack came
>>here. If you want to provide a smooth path to committership you need a
>>solid regression testing framework (with near total coverage) and an
>>environment. Feeling blind and vulnerable to big changes like this limits
>>trust and we can't have a lack of trust. If you want this project growing
>>faster and healthier regression testing is key: it has a social impact.
> +1
> And this is exactly what we are achieving to have.
>>Best Regards,
>>-- Alex

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