+1 Seems like a good way

On 02/20/2013 08:08 PM, Chip Childers wrote:
Hi all,

During the irc meeting today, Joe suggested that I email the dev list
with instructions for how I'd like to handle making changes into
the 4.1 branch after the end of the month.

Per our 4.1 release schedule [1], the 4.1 branch should go into a mode
of "limited updates only".  I defined this as "release blockers fixes,
translation updates, etc...", which could have been more specific.

I'd suggest more specifically, that *code* changes are limited to fixes
to blocker and critical bugs at that time.  Docs and translations are
running a bit behind the initial schedule, so we should expect them to
be more volatile.

Originally, I was thinking that I would ask to be the only person to
commit to the 4.1 branch.  However, I believe that we can avoid a bottle
neck, given the reality that I sleep at night... ;-)

Committers: you can feel free to help get fixes for blockers and
critical bugs into the 4.1 branch after we hit the freeze, up to the
point where we cut the first RC (2013-03-22).  Please do any fixes as
cleanly as possible (i.e., squash related commits and make sure to avoid
messy merge commits as much as possible).

Contributors: if you have a fix that needs to go into 4.1 *after* the
freeze, please email the list with the subject tag [ACS41] and note the
review that contains the patch.  I'll pick up as many of these as I can,
but will also rely on others with commit rights to help here.

I *will* review all commits going into that branch, and will revert
anything that's outside the scope of that I outlined above (unless there
is a discussion and consensus on this list to include something else).

Does this work for everyone?



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