On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 3:42 PM, Yichi Lu <yichi...@sungard.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know that whether it is OK, from licensing point of view, to
> add a GPLv2 package into CloudStack?
> My understanding is that Apache/CloudStack is under Apache v2 licensing,
> which is incompatible to GPLv2.
> The particular package (or Program) is under GPLv2 with FLOSS exceptions
> (to alleviate the incompatibility), where Apachev2 is on that FLOSS license
> list. I include exceptions here. Thanks.
> Yichi

So several things:
We aren't really qualified to provide legal advice. (and don't) If you
really want to talk to lawyers about the issue, I have a few
recommendations for F/LOSS savvy lawyers I can I point you to.

Assuming a worst case scenario - a user could easily do this and still
comply. The problem is triggered on distribution.

As a matter of policy Apache CloudStack won't include GPLed software.


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