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On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 5:06 PM, Alex Huang <> wrote:
> Another tip I have is to create one source repo and workspace for one major 
> branch.  We've been changing our environment a lot and it really messes with 
> the whole git checkout <branch> and then have eclipse reconfigure 
> automatically.  It has the added benefit of working on multiple branches at 
> the same time simply by opening multiple eclipses.
> Just don't create workspaces in the directory you store your source.  This 
> used to be okay for me back in the ant days but since the switch to maven, 
> eclipse has had really weird problems with that.  Once I stored the workspace 
> outside of the source directory, everything works beautifully.
> --Alex
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Alex Huang []
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 4:55 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Setting up a better eclipse environment....
>> Hi All,
>> I've heard this from a couple of developers on eclipse and cloudstack.
>> Thought I share this tip.
>> When you open hit Shift-Ctrl-R on eclipse, it opens up the Open Resource
>> dialogue.  A lot of people do this as a quick way to get to a file.  With
>> CloudStack, many people see a bunch of .class files and three or four
>> different .java files of the same name.
>> Here's how to get rid of all of that.
>> 1.       Quit Eclipse
>> 2.       Make sure your workspace is not stored in the cloudstack directory.
>> (This may be only my problem because I used to like to do that.)  If your
>> workspace is stored in the directory, you want to delete all eclipse metadata
>> and create the workspace somewhere else.
>> 3.       Remove the eclipse generated bin directory from all of the 
>> directories.
>> The reason is because CloudStack projects used to use bin as the directory
>> for all the eclipse generated .class files but now with maven based projects,
>> eclipse uses target/classes to store them.  So now eclipse sees the .class 
>> files
>> in the bin directories as resources that you own.  That's why there's .class
>> files in the Open Resource directory.
>> 4.       Remove all of the .project files.  This is again because we used to
>> checkin .project files and some of your .project files were not created from
>> maven pom.xml.  If you did this before, then you can skip steps 5-8.
>> 5.       Start Eclipse.
>> 6.       If you deleted your workspace in step 2, then you should create a 
>> new
>> workspace.
>> 7.       Remove all of the projects.
>> 8.       Import all maven projects again.
>> 9.       Hit Shift-Ctrl-R to open resource dialogue
>> 10.   Click on the down arrow in the upper right of the dialogue box
>> 11.   Click on the Edit Active Working Set from the drop down menu
>> 12.   Create a working set called cloudstack
>> 13.   Add all of the projects to it and then remove the parent projects.  The
>> reason you want to remove them is because they're parent projects and
>> when you open resource, the open resource dialogue gets the .java file from
>> both the actual project and the parent projects so the same .java file 
>> appears
>> more than once.
>> o   Cloudstack-framework
>> o   Cloud-engine
>> o   Cloudstack
>> o   Cloudstack-plugins
>> o   Cloud-services
>> 14.   Click on finish
>> 15.   Click on the top right drop down button again
>> 16.   Make sure "Show derived resources" is not checked
>> Another easier way to do this may be to push all your commits and changes
>> and then delete the source directory and reclone the repo.  Then follow just
>> steps 6-16.
>> After doing that, when you hit Ctrl-Shift-R, make sure the CloudStack
>> working set is selected.  Now only the java file you want will show up.
>> There's no .class files and no multiple copies of the same java files.
>> --Alex

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