Agree with Kawai here.

On 3/5/13 7:49 PM, "KAWAI Hiroaki" <> wrote:

>Hi, that is not a problem of vmware jar. That is a matter of
> It imports
>, but
>it MUST NOT DO so, because it is an library internal class.
>We should fix the implementation not use that class.
>(2013/03/06 10:28), Min Chen wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> With recent Vmware SDK upgrade in master branch, Chiradeep reported an
>>issue with JDK7 that I overlooked during my local testing since my setup
>>has JDK 6. We failed to compile vmware-base using JDK 7 due to using
>> to retrieve
>>Cookie set by WS calls. This CookieJar class is present in JDK 6
>>classes.jar, but seems missing from JDK7, causing this compilation
>>error. This actually raised a JDK limitation issue of using new Vmware
>>SDK jar. The SDK jar we downloaded from Vmware site is generated by the
>>Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) libraries in J2SE 6.0, and will
>>only work with these versions of Java and JAX-WS library. This implies
>>that we can only use JDK6 to work with the pre-built Vmware SDK jar, as
>>reflected by the build issue using JDK7 experienced by Chiradeep. To use
>>a different JDK (and then a different version of JAX-WS library), based
>>on vmware documentation, we need to rebuild the jar. See
>on.3.5.html for details. If we want to support JDK 7, we may have to
>build our own vim25.jar and find a common code path (working for both
>JDK6 and JDK7)  to retrieve Cookie from WS call. I talked to Kelven about
>this issue, and we haven't found a better solution yet.  One option may
>be building our own vmware stub library, but this may not be ready for
>4.2.0 release.  So for now, to use Vmware SDK 5.1 (i.e. nonoss build from
>master branch), we can only support JDK 6 until we come up with a better
>> Thanks
>> -min

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