Hi folks,

As some of you may have noticed I started a CloudStack university page on the 

The goal is to create some introductory training material that can be delivered 
in different formats (self-pace, workshop…etc).

I organized the page as a syllabus of a course and started adding content 
(slides and videos).

I am looking for contributors to help me fill the blanks and also improve the 
existing content. I currently link to some of the CCC videos and you will see 
that they may not fit a proper course design.

Ideally I would like us to all use the same cloudstack slide template, put 
enough information on the slide that they are stand alone without the videos. 
And then record a video (during a webinar or not..). We can then link 
everything together.

Obviously there are also more advanced subjects and I propose we cover those in 
a second "advanced" CloudStack course.

So edit the wiki, take up a subject and add your slides/videos ( I'd like to 
stay at the current list, if you want to add one, please create a second 
"course" page).

Thoughts, comments, help ?


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