On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 2:56 PM, Oliver Buchtala <oliver.bucht...@jku.at> wrote:
> Please have a look at:
> git://github.com/oliver----/cmake_cdt7.git
> ...and try ;) ...and send me feedback.

So far this looks *great* - I happen to work on a few cmake enabled
open source projects at the moment, so this is really making my day :)

One feature request would be to teach it parallelism - I've got 12
(logical) cores, please, dear eclipse, use them - sequential builds
are so 90s. I can set them in the project settings (C/C++ Build ->
Behaviour -> Use parallel build), but doing so for every project is
quite cumbersome now that there are quite a few of those projects ...

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